Class::Workflow::Instance::Simple - A Workflow instance objects to work with the other ::Simple classes.


Class::Workflow::Instance::Simple - A Workflow instance objects to work with the other ::Simple classes.


        use Class::Workflow::Instance::Simple;
        my $i = Class::Workflow::Instance::Simple->new;
        my $new_i = $transition->apply( $i );


This method adds an error field to the Class::Workflow::Instance manpage.

In the event that you want to make errors non-fatal, but instead encapsulate errors in the workflow using their own states, error just becomes a regular field. the Class::Workflow::Transition::Validate::Simple manpage provides a simple means to add validation, with the optional notion of an error_state for transitions.


Does what it says.

See the Class::Workflow::Transition::Validate::Simple manpage.

 Class::Workflow::Instance::Simple - A Workflow instance objects to work with the other ::Simple classes.