Apache::AxKit::Language::YPathScript - An XML Stylesheet Language
Apache::AxKit::Language::YPathScript - An XML Stylesheet Language
AxAddStyleMap "application/x-xpathscript => \
YPathScript is a fork of the original AxKit's XPathScript using
XML::XPathScript as its transforming engine.
As it is mostly
backward compatible with the classic Axkit XPathScript module,
the definitive reference for
XPathScript, located at http://axkit.org/docs/xpathscript/guide.dkb,
also applies to YPathScript, excepts for the differences listed in the
sections below.
- $r
A copy of the Apache::AxKit::request object -- which is itself a wrapper around
the Apache::request object -- tied to the current document.
<% %args = $r->args() %>
<p>args: <%= join ' : ', map "$_ => $args{$_}", keys %args %></p>
- $node = XML::XPathScript::current->document( $uri )
Fetch the xml document located at $uri and return it as a dom node.
- $xps = new Apache::AxKit::Language::YPathScript($xml_provider, $style_provider)
Construct a new YPathScript language interpreter out of the provided
- $rc = handler( $class, $request, $xml_provider, $style_provider )
The handler function called by Apache.
- $file_content = include_file( $filename )
- $file_content = include_file( $filename, @includestack )
Overloaded from XML::XPathScript in order to provide URI-based
stylesheet inclusions: $filename may now be any AxKit URI. The AxKit
language class drops support for plain filenames that exists in the
ancestor class: this means that include directives like
<!-- #include file="/some/where.xps" -->
in existing stylesheets should be turned into
<!-- #include file="file:///some/where.xps" -->
in order to work with AxKit.
- $doc = get_source_tree( $xml_provider )
Read an XML document from the provider and return it as a string.
- $string = read_stylesheet( $stylesheet )
Retrieve and return the $stylesheet (which can be a filehandler or a string) as a string.
- $self->debug( $level, $message )
Print $message if the requested debug level
is equal or smaller than $level.
- $self->die( $suicide_note )
Print the $suicide_note and exit;
- $nodeset = $self->document( $uri )
Read XML document located at $uri, parse it and return it in a node object.
The $uri can be specified using the regular schemes ('http://foo.org/bar.xml',
'ftp://foo.org/bar.xml'), or the Axkit scheme ('axkit://baz.xml'), or as
a local file ('/home/web/foo.xml', './foo.xml' ).
Apache::AxKit::Language::YPathScript - An XML Stylesheet Language