Class::MakeMethods::Evaled::Hash - Typical hash methods |
Class::MakeMethods::Evaled::Hash - Typical hash methods
package MyObject; use Class::MakeMethods::Evaled::Hash ( new => 'new', scalar => [ 'foo', 'bar' ], array => 'my_list', hash => 'my_index', ); ...
# Constructor my $obj = MyObject->new( foo => 'Foozle' );
# Scalar Accessor print $obj->foo();
$obj->bar('Barbados'); print $obj->bar();
# Array accessor $obj->my_list(0 => 'Foozle', 1 => 'Bang!'); print $obj->my_list(1);
# Hash accessor $obj->my_index('broccoli' => 'Blah!', 'foo' => 'Fiddle'); print $obj->my_index('foo');
The Evaled::Hash subclass of MakeMethods provides a simple constructor and accessors for blessed-hash object instances.
When you use
this package, the method names you provide
as arguments cause subroutines to be generated and installed in
your module.
See Calling Conventions in the Class::MakeMethods::Standard manpage for a summary, or USAGE in the Class::MakeMethods manpage for full details.
To declare methods, pass in pairs of a method-type name followed by one or more method names. Valid method-type names for this package are listed in METHOD GENERATOR TYPES.
See Declaration Syntax in the Class::MakeMethods::Standard manpage for more syntax information.
For each method name passed, returns a subroutine with the following characteristics:
Sample declaration and usage:
package MyObject; use Class::MakeMethods::Evaled::Hash ( new => 'new', ); ...
# Bare constructor my $empty = MyObject->new();
# Constructor with initial values my $obj = MyObject->new( foo => 'Foozle', bar => 'Barbados' );
# Copy with overriding value my $copy = $obj->new( bar => 'Bob' );
For each method name passed, uses a closure to generate a subroutine with the following characteristics:
Sample declaration and usage:
package MyObject; use Class::MakeMethods::Evaled::Hash ( scalar => 'foo', ); ...
# Store value $obj->foo('Foozle');
# Retrieve value print $obj->foo;
For each method name passed, uses a closure to generate a subroutine with the following characteristics:
Sample declaration and usage:
package MyObject; use Class::MakeMethods::Evaled::Hash ( array => 'bar', ); ...
# Set values by position $obj->bar(0 => 'Foozle', 1 => 'Bang!');
# Positions may be overwritten, and in any order $obj->bar(2 => 'And Mash', 1 => 'Blah!');
# Retrieve value by position print $obj->bar(1);
# Direct access to referenced array print scalar @{ $obj->bar() };
# Reset the array contents to empty @{ $obj->bar() } = ();
For each method name passed, uses a closure to generate a subroutine with the following characteristics:
Sample declaration and usage:
package MyObject; use Class::MakeMethods::Evaled::Hash ( hash => 'baz', ); ...
# Set values by key $obj->baz('foo' => 'Foozle', 'bar' => 'Bang!');
# Values may be overwritten, and in any order $obj->baz('broccoli' => 'Blah!', 'foo' => 'Fiddle');
# Retrieve value by key print $obj->baz('foo');
# Direct access to referenced hash print keys %{ $obj->baz() };
# Reset the hash contents to empty @{ $obj->baz() } = ();
See the Class::MakeMethods manpage for general information about this distribution.
See the Class::MakeMethods::Evaled manpage for more about this family of subclasses.
Class::MakeMethods::Evaled::Hash - Typical hash methods |