Class::MakeMethods::Template::Global - Method that are not instance-dependent |
Class::MakeMethods::Template::Global - Method that are not instance-dependent
package MyObject; use Class::MakeMethods::Template::Global ( scalar => [ 'foo' ] );
package main;
MyObject->foo('bar') print MyObject->foo(); ... print $my_instance->foo(); # same thing
These meta-methods access values that are shared across all instances of your object in your process. For example, a hash_scalar meta-method will be able to store a different value for each hash instance you call it on, but a static_scalar meta-method will return the same value for any instance it's called on, and setting it from any instance will change the value that all other instances see.
Common Parameters: The following parameters are defined for Static meta-methods.
The following methods from Generic should be supported:
scalar string number boolean bits (?) array hash tiedhash (?) hash_of_arrays (?) object instance array_of_objects (?) code code_or_scalar (?)
See the Class::MakeMethods::Template::Generic manpage for the interfaces and behaviors of these method types.
The items marked with a ? above have not been tested sufficiently; please inform the author if they do not function as you would expect.
See the Class::MakeMethods manpage for general information about this distribution.
See the Class::MakeMethods::Template manpage for more about this family of subclasses.
See the Class::MakeMethods::Template::Generic manpage for information about the various accessor interfaces subclassed herein.
Class::MakeMethods::Template::Global - Method that are not instance-dependent |