Class::MakeMethods::Template::Ref - Universal copy and compare methods |
Class::MakeMethods::Template::Ref - Universal copy and compare methods
package MyObject; use Class::MakeMethods::Template::Ref ( 'Hash:new' => [ 'new' ], clone => [ 'clone' ] );
package main;
my $obj = MyObject->new( foo => ["Foozle", "Bozzle"] ); my $clone = $obj->clone(); print $obj->{'foo'}[1];
The following types of methods are provided via the Class::MakeMethods interface:
Produce a deep copy of an instance of almost any underlying datatype.
If defined, this method is called on the new object with any arguments passed in.
Create new instances by making a deep copy of a static prototypical instance.
If defined, this method is called on the new object with any arguments passed in. =cut
sub prototype { ( { 'interface' => { default => { '*'=>'set_or_new', }, }, 'behavior' => { 'set_or_new' => sub { my $m_info = $_[0]; sub { my $class = shift;
if ( scalar @_ == 1 and UNIVERSAL::isa( $_[0], $class ) ) { # set $m_info->{'instance'} = shift
} else { # get croak "Prototype is not defined" unless $m_info->{'instance'}; my $self = ref_clone($m_info->{'instance'});
my $init_method = $m_info->{'init_method'}; if ( $init_method ) { $self->$init_method( @_ ); } elsif ( scalar @_ ) { croak "No init_method"; } return $self; } }}, 'set' => sub { my $m_info = $_[0]; sub { my $class = shift; $m_info->{'instance'} = shift }}, 'new' => sub { my $m_info = $_[0]; sub { my $class = shift;
croak "Prototype is not defined" unless $m_info->{'instance'}; my $self = ref_clone($m_info->{'instance'});
my $init_method = $m_info->{'init_method'}; if ( $init_method ) { $self->$init_method( @_ ); } elsif ( scalar @_ ) { croak "No init_method"; } return $self; }}, }, } ) }
Compare one object to another.
Three-way (sorting-style) comparison.
Are these two objects equivalent?
Are these two references to the exact same object?
See the Class::MakeMethods manpage for general information about this distribution.
See the Class::MakeMethods::Template manpage for more about this family of subclasses.
See the Class::MakeMethods::Utility::Ref manpage for the clone and compare functions used above.
Class::MakeMethods::Template::Ref - Universal copy and compare methods |