Class::MakeMethods::ToDo - Ideas, problems, and suggestions
Class::MakeMethods::ToDo - Ideas, problems, and suggestions
There are lots of things that could be done to improve this module.
Issues about the distribution and supporting files, rather than the code:
Make sure that the documentation is broken up into appropriately-sized
chunks, and that people will know which section to look at.
As user questions arrive, add the answers as documentation points or examples.
Assemble annotated examples and tutorials, and either link to or distribute them.
Use Devel::Coverage to measure test coverage, and fill in missing
For scalar methods (and others) it would be nice to have a simple
bounds-checking interface to approve or reject (with an exception)
new values that were passed in.
As pointed out by Terrence Brannon, the right interface to
adopt is probably that of Attribute::Types:
use Class::MakeMethods::Standard::Hash (
'scalar' => [ 'count' => { TYPE => 'INTEGER' } ],
'scalar' => [ 'name' => { TYPE => qr/^[A-Z]\w*$/ } ],
'scalar' => [ 'account' => { TYPE => &checksum_account_number } ]
Improve use of _diagnostic hooks for debugging. Add various ``(Q)''
warning diagnostics.
Finish tests for Standard modules.
Finish building Inheritable array and object accessors.
Finish building and testing of Composite::* packages.
Resolve DESTROY-time issues with Standard::Inheritable, Composite::Inheritable, and Template::Flyweight.
Add slice and splice functionality to Standard::*:hash and Composite::*:hash.
See the Class::MakeMethods manpage for an overview of the method-generation
See the Class::MakeMethods::ReadMe manpage for distribution, installation,
version and support information.
Class::MakeMethods::ToDo - Ideas, problems, and suggestions