DBIx::SearchBuilder::Handle - Perl extension which is a generic DBI handle |
DBIx::SearchBuilder::Handle - Perl extension which is a generic DBI handle
use DBIx::SearchBuilder::Handle;
my $Handle = DBIx::SearchBuilder::Handle->new(); $Handle->Connect( Driver => 'mysql', Database => 'dbname', Host => 'hostname', User => 'dbuser', Password => 'dbpassword');
Jesse's a slacker.
Blah blah blah.
Jesse Vincent, jesse@fsck.com
# }}}
# {{{ sub new
Generic constructor
Takes a paramhash and connects to your DBI datasource.
Required: Driver, Database, Optional: Host, Port and RequireSSL
Builds a DSN suitable for a DBI connection
Returns the DSN for this database connection.
Turns on the Database Handle's RaiseError attribute.
Turns on the Database Handle's PrintError attribute.
Turns on the Database Handle's AutoCommit attribute.
Disconnect from your DBI datasource
Return the current DBI handle. If we're handed a parameter, make the database handle that.
Takes a hash with fields: Table, Column, Value PrimaryKeys, and IsSqlFunction. Table, and Column should be obvious, Value is where you set the new value you want the column to have. The primary_keys field should be the lvalue of DBIx::SearchBuilder::Record::PrimaryKeys(). Finally sql_function_p is set when the Value is a SQL function. For example, you might have ('Value'=>'PASSWORD(string)'), by setting sql_function_p that string will be inserted into the query directly rather then as a binding.
Update column COLUMN of table TABLE where the record id = RECORD_ID. if IS_SQL is set, don\'t quote the NEW_VALUE
Execute the SQL string specified in QUERY_STRING
Takes a SELECT query as a string, along with an array of BIND_VALUEs Returns the first row as an array
Returns 1 if the current database supports BLOBs with embedded nulls. Returns undef if the current database doesn't support BLOBs with embedded nulls
Returns 1 if the current database's searches are case sensitive by default Returns undef otherwise
Tells DBIx::SearchBuilder to begin a new SQL transaction. This will temporarily suspend Autocommit mode.
Tells DBIx::SearchBuilder to commit the current SQL transaction. This will turn Autocommit mode back on.
Tells DBIx::SearchBuilder to abort the current SQL transaction. This will turn Autocommit mode back on.
perl(1), the DBIx::SearchBuilder manpage
DBIx::SearchBuilder::Handle - Perl extension which is a generic DBI handle |