Font::TTF::OldMort - Glyph Metamorphosis table in a font
Font::TTF::OldMort - Glyph Metamorphosis table in a font
- version
table version number (Fixed: currently 1.0)
- chains
list of metamorphosis chains, each of which has its own fields:
- defaultFlags
chain's default subfeature flags (UInt32)
- featureEntries
list of feature entries, each of which has fields:
- type
- setting
- enable
- disable
- subtables
list of metamorphosis subtables, each of which has fields:
- type
subtable type (0: rearrangement; 1: contextual substitution; 2: ligature;
4: non-contextual substitution; 5: insertion)
- direction
processing direction ('LR' or 'RL')
- orientation
applies to text in which orientation ('VH', 'V', or 'H')
- subFeatureFlags
the subfeature flags controlling whether the table is used (UInt32)
Further fields depend on the type of subtable:
Rearrangement table:
- classes
array of lists of glyphs
- states
array of arrays of hashes{'nextState', 'flags'}
Contextual substitution table:
- classes
array of lists of glyphs
- states
array of array of hashes{'nextState', 'flags', 'actions'}, where
is an array of two elements which are offsets to be added to [marked, current]
glyph to get index into mappings
(or undef
if no mapping to be applied)
- mappings
list of glyph codes mapped to through the state table mappings
Ligature table:
Non-contextual substitution table:
Insertion table:
Reads the table into memory
Writes the table to a file either from memory or by copying
Prints a human-readable representation of the table
None known
Jonathan Kew See the Font::TTF::Font manpage for copyright and
Font::TTF::OldMort - Glyph Metamorphosis table in a font