Font::TTF::Post - Holds the Postscript names for each glyph |
Font::TTF::Post - Holds the Postscript names for each glyph
Holds the postscript names for glyphs. Note that they are not held as an array, but as indexes into two lists. The first list is the standard Postscript name list defined by the TrueType standard. The second comes from the font directly.
Looking up a glyph from a Postscript name or a name from a glyph number is achieved through methods rather than variable lookup.
This class handles PostScript table types of 1, 2, 2.5 & 3, but not version 4. Support for version 2.5 is as per Apple spec rather than MS.
The way to look up Postscript names or glyphs is:
$pname = $f->{'post'}{'VAL'}[$gnum]; $gnum = $f->{'post'}{'STRINGS'}{$pname};
Due to different systems having different limitations, there are various class variables available to control what post table types can be written.
In addition there are the standard introductory variables defined in the standard:
FormatType italicAngle underlinePosition underlineThickness isFixedPitch minMemType42 maxMemType42 minMemType1 maxMemType1
Reads the Postscript table into memory from disk
Writes out a new Postscript name table from memory or copies from disk
Outputs the names as one block of XML
Martin Hosken See the Font::TTF::Font manpage for copyright and licensing.
Font::TTF::Post - Holds the Postscript names for each glyph |