HTTP::Recorder - record interaction with websites |
HTTP::Recorder - record interaction with websites
Version 0.02
Set HTTP::Recorder as the user agent for a proxy, and it rewrites HTTP responses so that additional requests can be recorded.
Set it up like this:
my $proxy = HTTP::Proxy->new;
# set HTTP::Recorder as the agent my $agent = HTTP::Recorder->new( file => "/tmp/tmpfile", showwindow => 1); $proxy->agent( $agent );
# you may need to set the host # $proxy->host( "" );
Then, tell your web browser to use your proxy, and the script will be recorded in the specified file.
If showwindow is set to 1, a popup window will display the current script after each action.
HTTP::Recorder won't record Javascript actions, or pages delivered via SSL.
By default, the HTTP::Recorder manpage outputs the WWW::Mechanize manpage scripts.
However, you can override HTTP::Recorder::Logger to output other types of scripts.
Creates and returns a new the HTTP::Recorder manpage object, referred to as the 'agent'.
See also the LWP::UserAgent manpage, the WWW::Mechanize manpage, the HTTP::Proxy manpage.
Please submit any feature requests, suggestions, bugs, or patches at, or email to
There's a mailing list for users and developers of HTTP::Recorder. You can subscribe at, or by sending email to with the subject ``subscribe''.
The archives can be found at
Copyright 2003-2004 by Linda Julien <>
Released under the GNU Public License.
HTTP::Recorder - record interaction with websites |