Heap::Elem::Str - Perl extension for String Heap Elements |
Heap::Elem::Str - Perl extension for String Heap Elements
use Heap::Elem::Str( StrElem ); use Heap::Fibonacci;
my $heap = Heap::Fibonacci->new; my $elem;
foreach $i ( 'aa'..'bz' ) { $elem = StrElem( $i ); $heap->add( $elem ); }
while( defined( $elem = $heap->extract_minimum ) ) { print "Smallest is ", $elem->val, "\n"; }
Heap::Elem::Str is used to wrap string values into an element that can be managed on a heap. The top of the heap will have the smallest element still remaining. (See the Heap::Elem::StrRev manpage if you want the heap to always return the largest element.)
The details of the Elem interface are described in the Heap::Elem manpage.
The details of using a Heap interface are described in the Heap manpage.
John Macdonald, jmm@elegant.com
Heap(3), Heap::Elem(3), Heap::Elem::StrRev(3).
Heap::Elem::Str - Perl extension for String Heap Elements |