Log::Dispatch::Output - Base class for all Log::Dispatch::* object


Log::Dispatch::Output - Base class for all Log::Dispatch::* object


  package Log::Dispatch::MySubclass;
  use Log::Dispatch::Output;
  use base qw( Log::Dispatch::Output );
  sub new
      my $proto = shift;
      my $class = ref $proto || $proto;
      my %p = @_;
      my $self = bless {}, $class
      # Do more if you like
  sub log_message
      my $self = shift;
      my %p = @_;
      # Do something with message in $p{message}


This module is the base class from which all Log::Dispatch::* objects should be derived.



This class should be used as the base class for all logging objects you create that you would like to work under the Log::Dispatch architecture. Subclassing is fairly trivial. For most subclasses, if you simply copy the code in the SYNOPSIS and then put some functionality into the log_message method then you should be all set. Please make sure to use the _basic_init method as directed.


Dave Rolsky, <autarch@urth.org>

 Log::Dispatch::Output - Base class for all Log::Dispatch::* object