MP3::Napster::Base - Autoload object accessors |
MP3::Napster::Base - Autoload object accessors
This class is used internally by MP3::Napster as a base class for MP3::Napster::Song, MP3::Napster::Channel, MP3::Napster::Transfer, and MP3::Napster itself. It provides autoloading facilities for accessors.
Documentation will be added if and when it becomes useful to application developers.
Lincoln Stein <>.
Copyright (c) 2000 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
the MP3::Napster manpage, the MP3::Napster::Song manpage, the MP3::Napster::Channel manpage, and the MPEG::Napster::Transfer manpage
MP3::Napster::Base - Autoload object accessors |