OLE::Storage::Io - Laola's IO interface |
OLE::Storage::Io - Laola's IO interface
use OLE::Storage::Io();
Note: OLE::Storage is doing IO by maintaining lists consisting of ($offset, $length) elements.
== $Io -> close ([\$streambuf])
Destructor. Flushes cache and closes file.
== $Io -> flush ()
Flush $Io cache, if caching is turned on.
Returns name of $Io.
== open ($Startup, $name, [,$mode [,\$streambuf]])
Constructor. Gives access to a file or a buffer. Default $mode is 0, that is read only. In file mode $name is a filepath. In buffer mode a reference to a buffer \$streambuf is mandatory. Errors occuring at Io methods will be reported to Startup object $Startup.
Bit Mode 0 0 read only 1 read/write 4 0 file mode 1 buffer mode
== $Io -> read ($offset, $len, \$buf [,$var_offset])
Reads $len bytes starting at offset $offset into buffer referenced by \$buf. If $var_offset is given, buffer will be filled from this offset on.
== $Io -> rw_iolist ("r"
, \$buf, $iolistO);
Read Iolist $Io into buffer $buf (``r''), or write buffer to Iolist $Io.
Returns size of $Io in bytes.
== $Io -> writable ()
$Io is writable (1) or not (0).
== $Io -> write ($offset, $len, \$buf [,$var_offset])
Writes $len bytes starting at offset $offset from buffer referenced by \$buf to $Io. If $var_offset is given, buffer will be read from this offset on.
the OLE::Storage::Iolist manpage, Startup
Martin Schwartz <schwartz@cs.tu-berlin.de>
OLE::Storage::Io - Laola's IO interface |