Tk::TM - User interface for database applications. Tk::TM - Tk Transaction Manager - screen transactions with user. |
Tk::TM - User interface for database applications. Tk::TM - Tk Transaction Manager - screen transactions with user.
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=item Using SQL and Widget Generator:
use Tk::TM::Lib; Tk::TM::Common::DBILogin('dsn', 'user', ''); my $mw =new Tk::MainWindow; my $mnu =$mw->tmMenu; my $do =new Tk::TM::DataObject(); $do->set(-sqgfd=>[ ['cruptb',undef,'id', undef, undef,'ID', 'Entry'] ,['crub', undef,'class',' 3',['select class from entity where x=?',1],'Class','Entry'] ,['crutb', undef,'name', undef, undef,'Name', 'Entry'] ] ,-sqgsf=>'entity' ,-sqgso=>'id' ,-sqgscr=>$mw ,-sqgpt=>[-rowcount=>5] )->form(-t=>$mnu); $mnu->Retrieve; Tk::MainLoop;
=item Using SQL Statements:
use Tk::TM::Lib; Tk::TM::Common::DBILogin('dsn', 'user', ''); my $mw =new Tk::MainWindow; my $mnu =$mw->tmMenu; my $tbl =$mw->tmTable(-rowcount=>3, -colspecs=> [['col1','Entry'] ,['col2','Entry'] ,['col3','Entry']] )->form(-t=>$mnu); my $bln =$mw->tmBlank(-wgspecs=> [['col1','Entry'] ,['col2','Entry'] ,['col3','Entry',-width=>30]] )->form(-t=>$tbl); new Tk::TM::DataObject(-wgtbl=>$tbl, -wgbln=>$bln ,-sqlsel=>['select...',value...] ,-sqlins=>['insert...',fieldnumber...] ,-sqlupd=>['update...',fieldnumber...] ,-sqldel=>['delete...',fieldnumber...] ); $mnu->Retrieve; Tk::MainLoop;
=item Low Level:
use Tk::TM::Lib; Tk::TM::Common::DBILogin('dsn', 'user', ''); my $mw =new Tk::MainWindow; my $mnu =$mw->tmMenu; my $tbl =$mw->tmTable(-rowcount=>3, -colspecs=> [['col1','Entry'] ,['col2','Entry'] ,['col3','Entry']] )->form(-t=>$mnu); my $bln =$mw->tmBlank(-wgspecs=> [['col1','Entry'] ,['col2','Entry'] ,['col3','Entry',-width=>30]] )->form(-t=>$tbl); my $sub =sub{ my $self =shift; if ($_[0] eq 'dbRead') {$self->DBICmd('select * from table')} elsif ($_[0] eq 'dbIns') {$self->DBICmd('insert...')} elsif ($_[0] eq 'dbUpd') {$self->DBICmd('update...')} elsif ($_[0] eq 'dbDel') {$self->DBICmd('delete from table...')} else {$self->doDefault(@_)} }; new Tk::TM::DataObject(-cbcmd=>$sub, -wgtbl=>$tbl, -wgbln=>$bln); # or: # $mnu->set(-dos=>[ # new Tk::TM::DataObject(-cbcmd=>$sub, -wgtbl=>$tbl, -wgbln=>$bln) # ]); $mnu->Retrieve; Tk::MainLoop;
=cut *********************************************************************** =pod
This module is something like 'Transaction Manager' in JYACC JAM RAD.
It releases user interface for database applications - screen transactions with user.
It contains data manipulation object (C<Tk::TM::DataObject>), data widgets (C<tmTable>, C<tmBlank>), menu and action bar widgets (C<tmMenu>, C<tmActionBar>, based on C<Tk::TM::DataObjSet>).
See also:
Tk::TM::wApp - Tk Transaction Manager Application Window. This is level above Tk::TM::Lib.
Tk::TM::Try - Tk Transaction Manager Error processing functions. Implements error processing functions may be used (or not be used) in application.
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=head1 MODULES
B<Tk::TM::Lib> - to import all TM components (modules) into a program, it have not own data or functions.
B<Tk::TM::Common> - common data and functions
B<Tk::TM::Lang> - language localisation
B<Tk::TM::DataObject> - objects to manipulate with tabular data: retrieve, navigate, edit, save... C<Tk::TM::DataObject> uses C<Tk> widgets to present data, it can also simmultaniosly use one C<tmTable> and one C<tmBlank> widgets, mentioned below. C<DBI> can be used to interact with databases in several levels. The base level is using defined by programmer function(s) for database and user interactions. More developed levels are autogeneration of SQL. Next more developed levels may be based on prepared in database metadata. Inherited from C<Tk::TM::DataObject> may be developed C<Tk::TM::DataObjTixGrid> that uses C<tixGrid> widget and C<Tk::TM::DataObjSeq> that uses sequentialy accessible data files as xBase files.
B<Tk::TM::wgTable> - table widget C<tmTable>, populated with C<Tk> widgets. It may be replaced with C<tixGrid> in future.
B<Tk::TM::wgBlank> - blank widget C<tmBlank>, presents data row-by-row with C<Tk> widgets.
B<Tk::TM::DataObjSet> - base object for menu and action bar widgets, mentioned below. It contains several C<Tk::TM::DataObject>s and uses current C<Tk::TM::DataObject> or all C<Tk::TM::DataObject>s to achieve required by user operations.
B<Tk::TM::wgActionBar> - the simplest widget C<tmActionBar> with user actions as 'retrieve', 'save', 'next', 'previous'...
B<Tk::TM::wgMenu> - more complex widget C<tmMenu> with more user actions - menu and toolbar in CUA-style.
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C<perlobj> and C<perltoot> recommends common object methods C<new>, C<initialize>, C<DESTROY>. The only C<DESTROY> word is special.
C<Tk> introduces it`s manner of constructing and creating widgets and methods C<Populate>, C<configure>, C<cget>, C<destroy>, C<OnDestroy>.
So, it was needed to specify for TM objects sufficient and unified range of common object methods: C<new>, C<initialize>, C<set>, C<setpush>, C<destroy>, C<destroybind>, C<DESTROY>. And there was a little problem - should first letters of words be capitalised (f.e. 'setpush' or 'SetPush')? Now it is not for better focusing on parameters of such methods as C<new> and C<set> and for common manners of perl programming. But in future there may become compatible names as 'New', 'Set', etc..
=item new Class (parameters) -> object
Creates and returns a new object with given parameters. This is as in C<perlobj>. Derived from C<Tk> objects have not this function.
=item initialize
=item $obj->initialize (parameters) -> object
Initializes object as C<initialize> in <perlobj>. Usually C<initialize> is called from C<new>. C<initialize> is useful in inherited objects, that can not use ancestor`s function C<new> but need to do ancestor`s initialise code
=item set
=item $obj->set () -> @names_of_parameters
=item $obj->set (parameter) -> value
=item $obj->set (list of parameters and values) -> object
Gets or sets parameters of object as C<cget> and C<configure> in C<Tk>. C<set> is called from C<initialize> or outside object.
=item setpush
=item $obj->setpush (parameter, value) -> object
Pushes given value into given parameter of type 'reference to array' or 'reference to hash'. This is useful method when filling list parameters without using interim variables.
=item destroy
=item $obj->destroy
Finishing using of object, disposing or destroying it as in C<Tk>. It was impossible to use C<DESTROY> because of losing object inside it. For C<Tk> widget objects C<destroybind> is used instead of C<destroy>.
=item $obj->DESTROY
Standard object`s destructor, see C<perlobj>. Due to problem of losing object inside C<DESTROY>, and thankfully to absence of needs, it is not used.
=item destroybind
=item $obj->destroybind
Destruction method, called from C<Tk> C<OnDestroy> event. Used only for widgets, for other objects C<destroy> is used.
=cut *********************************************************************** =pod
=head1 Tk::TM::Lib MODULE
=item Tk::TM::Lib
C<Tk::TM::Lib> module imports all TM components (modules) into a program.
=item use Tk::TM::Lib
Imports all TM components (modules) into a program
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=head1 Tk::TM::Common MODULE
=item Tk::TM::Common
C<Tk::TM::Common> module contains common data and functions.
=item use Tk::TM::Common
Imports C<Tk::TM::Common> module into application. This does C<Tk::TM::Lib> module.
=item $Tk::TM::Common::About
Default 'Help / About' text: reference to list of rows or sub. See also C<-about>
=item $Tk::TM::Common::DBH
Default database connection handle, undef in default. Example: $Tk::TM::Common::DBH =DBI->connect("DBI:XBase:.")
=item $Tk::TM::Common::Debug
Debug level: 0 -none (default), 1 -print actions to STDOUT.
=item $Tk::TM::Common::Echo
Echo mode - printing commands to be executed: 0 -none, 1 -print (default).
=item $Tk::TM::Common::Edit
Default mode for application: 0 -view only, 1 -allow edit data (default). See C<-mdedt>
=item $Tk::TM::Common::Help
Default 'Help / Help' text: reference to list of rows or sub. See also C<-help>
=item Tk::TM::Common::DBILogin (dsn, user, password, ?opt, ?dbopt) -> dbh
=item Tk::TM::Common::DBILogin (screen, dsn, user, password, ?opt, ?dbopt)
Database login dialog, see C<DBI-E<gt>connect>. Options (default none): '#dsn' or '#edit' - allow to edit dsn, '#return' - instead of modifying C<$Tk::TM::Common::DBH> only return dbh and return instead of exit when 'cancel' button pressed, '#center' - center login dialog on screen. Screen parameter is used for calls from C<Tk::TM::wApp>.
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=head1 Tk::TM::Lang MODULE
=item Tk::TM::Lang
C<Tk::TM::Lang> module contains language localisation. The functions of this module are used par excellence internally by C<Tk::TM>, application may only specify required localisation in C<$Tk::TM::Lang::Lang>.
=item use Tk::TM::Lang
Imports C<Tk::TM::Lang> module into application. This does C<Tk::TM::Lib> module.
=item $Tk::TM::Lang::Lang
Switch of language localisation: false - international (no localisation), other - turn on localisation - language name such as 'ru' may be used.
=item Tk::TM::Lang::txtHelp -> \@help_text
Returns reference to array of rows of embedded help text.
=item Tk::TM::Lang::txtMenu -> \@menu_items_texts
Returns reference to array of texts of menu items
=item Tk::TM::Lang::txtMsg (msg) -> lang_msg
Returns given string translated into used localisation.
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=head1 Tk::TM::DataObject MODULE
=item Tk::TM::DataObject
C<Tk::TM::DataObject> module implements object to manipulate with tabular data: retrieve, navigate, edit, save... This object contains data store (data system) may be filled with SQL select and updated synchronously with SQL inserts, updates, deletes. C<Tk::TM::DataObject> may be classified into:
Object data: C<-wgtbl>, C<-wgbln>, C<-wgarr>, C<-wgmnu>, C<-wgind>, C<-mdedt>, C<-dsdtm>, C<-cbcmd>, C<-cbXXX>, C<-dbh>, C<-dbfnm>, C<-dbfds>, C<-dbfaw>, C<-sqlsel>, C<-sqlins>, C<-sqlupd>, C<-sqldel>, C<-sqgscr>, C<-sqgfd>, C<-sqgsf>, C<-sqgsj>, C<-sqgsc>, C<-sqgso>, C<-sqgpt>, C<-sqgpb>, C<-parm>, C<-parmc>
Options of Tk::TM::DataObject operation: C<"#end">, C<"#force">, C<"#reread">, C<"#save">, C<"#silent">, C<"#undo">, C<"#wgs">, C<"#dta">
Common object methods: C<new Tk::TM::DataObject>, C<$do-E<gt>initialize>, C<$do-E<gt>destroy>, C<$do-E<gt>DESTROY>, C<$do-E<gt>set>, C<$do-E<gt>setpush>
Data system dependent level methods with prefix 'ds', that implementation reflects data storage type - array of rows or C<tixGrid>; many of this commands are used internally only, externally used variants (mentioned below) has not prefix 'ds' and observes modification flags: C<$do-E<gt>dsReset>, C<$do-E<gt>dsDisplay>, C<$do-E<gt>dsDispWg>, C<$do-E<gt>dsFocus> C<$do-E<gt>dsRowCount>, C<$do-E<gt>dsRowDta>, C<$do-E<gt>dsRowFeed>, C<$do-E<gt>dsRowFeedAll>, C<$do-E<gt>dsRowGo>, C<$do-E<gt>dsRowNew>, C<$do-E<gt>dsRowDel>, C<$do-E<gt>dsRowUpd>, C<$do-E<gt>dsFldDta>, C<$do-E<gt>dsFldUpd>
Abstract level methods without prefix 'ds' does not depends on data system implementation (array of rows or C<tixGrid>) and observes modification flags. Method with 'ds' prefix should not be used by programmer if there is abstract level method with the same name. Function C<$do-E<gt>Stop> plays important role within codes of abstract level functions, they often calls it to finish data editing if it is.
Internally used widget level methods with 'wg' prefix: C<$do-E<gt>wgFldFocusIn>, C<$do-E<gt>wgFldFocusOut>, C<$do-E<gt>wgFldHelper>, C<$do-E<gt>wgIndicate>
Commands, used outside data objects to control them: C<$do-E<gt>Display>, C<$do-E<gt>Stop>, C<$do-E<gt>Save>, C<$do-E<gt>Sleep>, C<$do-E<gt>Clear>, C<$do-E<gt>Retrieve>, C<$do-E<gt>RowGo>, C<$do-E<gt>RowNew>, C<$do-E<gt>RowDel>, C<$do-E<gt>RowUndo>, C<$do-E<gt>Export>, C<$do-E<gt>Find>, C<$do-E<gt>FindNxt>, C<$do-E<gt>Import>, C<$do-E<gt>Print>, C<$do-E<gt>Action>
Implementations of commands above with prefix 'do', used inside data object: C<$do-E<gt>doDefault>, C<$do-E<gt>doExport>, C<$do-E<gt>doImport>, C<$do-E<gt>doPrint>
Useful methods for programming events (callbacks) used in implementations above: C<$do-E<gt>DBICmd>, C<$do-E<gt>DBICnd>, C<$do-E<gt>DBIGen>, C<$do-E<gt>DBIHlp>
Events (callbacks) and transaction scheme: C<dbRead>, C<dbIns>, C<dbUpd>, C<dbDel>, C<rwChg0>, C<rwChg1>, C<rwIns0>, C<rwIns1>, C<rwUpd0>, C<rwUpd1>, C<rwDel0>, C<fdChg0>, C<fdChg1>, C<fdHelp>, C<fdUpd0>, C<fdUpd1>, C<doEnd>, C<doExport>, C<doImport>, C<doPrint>, C<usAct>
=item use Tk::TM::DataObject
Imports C<Tk::TM::DataObject> module into application to use data objects. This does C<Tk::TM::Lib> module.
=item new Tk::TM::DataObject (parameter=>value...)
Creates and returns data object with parameters specified (see C<Parameters of Tk::TM::DataObject>). Includes newly created data object into list of all data objects C<@$Tk::TM::DataObject::Available>.
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=head2 Parameters of Tk::TM::DataObject
Parameters may be set or get with C<new Tk::TM::DataObject> and C<$do-E<gt>set> methods of data object (see also C<new> and C<set>). There may be described only most used parameters.
=item -cbcmd
Callback function for all events (see C<Events of Tk::TM::DataObject>). Default value is C<$do-E<gt>doDefault>. Slots for particular events C<-cbXXX> may be used instead of C<-cbcmd>.
=item -cbXXX
Callbacks for particular events. Optional. 'XXX' means name of event, f.e. C<dbRead>. Callbacks C<-cbXXX> are implemented within C<$do-E<gt>doDefault> method of data object, and so programmer should use C<-cbcmd> or C<-cbXXX>, but not both.
=item -dbfaw
Widget width adaptation to database fields switch. Contains margin of widget width.
=item -dbfds
Reference to array of references to hashes with descriptions of fields. Filled in C<$do-E<gt>DBICmd>('select...').
=item -dbfnm
Reference to hash "fieldName => fieldNumber". Filled in C<$do-E<gt>DBICmd>('select...').
=item -dbh
Database handle (see C<DBI>) to use with database methods. If not set, C<$Tk::TM::Common::DBH> will be used, or other may be programmed.
=item -dsdtm
Data store margin - max number of rows to keep in it.
=item -mdedt
Enable edit actions for user (edit mode). Values: 0 or '' - disable, digit -enable, 'c'reate or 'i'nsert enable, 'u'pdate enable, 'd'elete enable. Default is C<$Tk::TM::Common::Edit>.
=item -parm
Programmer`s parameters, hash reference. Does`nt used by C<Tk::TM>, may be used for programmer`s needs.
=item -parmc
Common to C<Tk::TM::DataObjSet> object programmer`s parameters, hash reference. This is also available via $do->{C<-wgmnu>}->{-parm}.
=item -sqgxxx - SQL and Widget Generator parameters
=item -sqgscr = screen to generate widgets on, generation trigger
If C<-sqgscr> and C<-sqgsf> specified, widget required will be generated and returned by C<$do-E<gt>set>.
=item -sqgfd = [['cruvpktb', table, field, filter value, helper select, ?inccol, label, ?colSpan, ?rowSpan, wgType, ?wgOpt]]
'crupktb' is field usage: 'c'reate or 'i'nsert, 'r'ead or 's'elect, 'u'pdate, 'v'iew only, 'p'rimary key, 'k'ey for commands, 't'able widget, 'b'lank widget. If table name is empty string, it will be automatically filled if possible; undefined table name will not be used in 'select' generation. Field name may be also expression to select. Filter value or sub will be used in 'where' clause and in C<$do-E<gt>RowNew> if defined. Helper select is value compliant to C<$do-E<gt>DBIHlp> and C<$do-E<gt>DBIGen> interfaces, it may be 'sql select' string, reference to array with 'sql select' string and numbers of fields or subs, reference to array of references to arrays with data strings. Values after 'helper select' are used for table or blank widget fields.
=item -sqgsf = 'select from' clause
=item -sqgsj = 'select where/join' subclause
=item -sqgsc = 'select where/condition' subclause with/without parameters
=item -sqgso = 'select order by' clause
All clauses are strings to be placed after keyword mentioned. Where/condition parameter C<-sqgsc> may be also reference to array with string subclause and values or subs for SQL statement parameters.
=item -sqgpt = parameters for table widget
See C<Tk::TM::wgTable>.
=item -sqgpb = parameters for blank widget
See C<Tk::TM::wgBlank>.
=item -sqlxxx - SQL templates for simplest SQL generator
=item -sqlsel = SQL 'select' statement and parameters
=item -sqlins = SQL 'insert' statement and parameters
=item -sqlupd = SQL 'update' statement and parameters
=item -sqldel = SQL 'delete' statement and parameters
SQL templates for simplest SQL generator - strings, array refs, refs to arrays of refs.
Simple string is SQL statement. 'insert', 'update', 'delete' will be automatically supplied with all data values of current row as parameters. 'update' will be also supplied with old data values.
Reference to array with string as first element is SQL statement with parameters. 'select' parameters may be values or subs to evaluate. 'insert', 'update', 'delete' parameters are subs to evaluate or column numbers, negative values are treated like slices (f.e. ['insert into table values (?,?,?)',0,-2] tells use columns 0,1,2). 'update' old values are discovered as decrease of numbering (f.e. ['update table set xxx=?, yyy=? where k=?',0,-1,0]).
Reference to array with reference as first element is treated as sequence of SQL statements to execute within single transaction.
=item -wgarr
Widgets for row-by-row data performance. Alternative or addition to C<-wgbln>. There no need of widget for each field, absent widgets should be replaced with undefs. Optional.
=item -wgbln
C<tmBlank> widget for data object use. Optional.
=item -wgind
Indicator widget for data object use with C<$do-E<gt>wgIndicate>. Optional.
=item -wgmnu
Navigator widget - ancestor of C<Tk::TM::DataObjSet>. This may be used instead of C<-dos> of C<Tk::TM::DataObjSet>, but C<-dos> is more recommended.
=item -wgscr
Parent screen for data object. Default is parent of widgets used.
=item -wgtbl
C<tmTable> widget for data object use. Optional.
=cut *********************************************************************** =pod
=head2 Options of Tk::TM::DataObject operation
This describes options of data object operations. This options are used as parameters of methods as C<$do-E<gt>Retrieve>, C<$do-E<gt>Stop>, C<$do-E<gt>doDefault>, C<$do-E<gt>doImport>, C<$do-E<gt>DBICmd>... There may be several options catenated within one option string, f.e. '#force#end'. Some of this options are used internally, some may be used by programmer.
=item "#dta"
Drop data buffer. Used in C<$do-E<gt>Sleep>
=item "#end"
End of data object operation. It is no need to redisplay data. Used in C<$do-E<gt>Stop>
=item "#force"
Cancel of operation is not allowed, answer should be certain - 'yes' or 'no'. Used in C<$do-E<gt>Stop>
=item "#reread"
Keep current position of data store. Used in C<$do-E<gt>Retrieve>
=item "#save"
Save modified data without ask of user. Used in C<$do-E<gt>Stop>
=item "#silent"
Do not display error message box. Used in C<$do-E<gt>doImport>, C<$do-E<gt>DBICmd>
=item "#undo"
Undo unsaved modification of current record of data. Used in C<$do-E<gt>Stop>
=item "#wgs"
Destroy linked widgets. Used in C<$do-E<gt>Sleep>
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=head2 Methods of Tk::TM::DataObject
=item $do->Action (actionName)
Executes callback C<usAct>. This is used for may be added by programmer menu 'Actions'.
=item $do->Clear (?opt) -> success
Clears data inside data object`s data store. Saves modified data if needed via C<$do-E<gt>Stop>($opt .'#end'). Data object become ready for insertion and editing new records of data.
=item $do->DBICmd (?dbh, ?opt, command, arguments) -> result
=item $do->DBICmd (?dbh, ?opt, command, [arguments], command, [arguments]...) ->result
Simplest C<DBI> interface, executes C<dbh> command. Database connection handle C<dbh> may be specified as argument, or may be given from data object`s property C<-dbh> or from C<$Tk::TM::Common::DBH>. Option '#silent' declines usage of message box to display error occurred. Command may be any C<dbh> method (as 'selectrow' or 'do') or string incipient with 'select', 'selectrow', 'insert', 'update', 'delete'. Commands 'select' and 'selectrow' retrieves data directly into data object`s data store. Several commands may be specified to execute them within one database transaction. With one command specified autocommit is assumed.
=item $do->DBICnd() -> success
Query condition and sort dialog. Works with all modes of SQL generation.
=item $do->DBIGen(sql, opt, ?command) -> sql command
SQL generator. In simplest mode it uses C<-sqlsel>, C<-sqlins>, C<-sqlupd>, C<-sqldel>. In complex mode it uses C<-sqgscr>, C<-sqgfd>, C<-sqgsf>, C<-sqgsj>, C<-sqgsc>, C<-sqgso>, C<-sqgpt>, C<-sqgpb>.
=item $do->DBIHlp (?SQL, \@parameters, ?\@out_fields) -> success
Displays entry helper screen for C<-fdHelp> event, updates fields if chosen. Parameters may be for SQL command if it is, or to directly display. Output field numbers are relative to current field number. If output field numbers omitted, current field is used for output.
=item $do->destroy
Destructs data object, see C<destroy>. Saves modified data if needed via C<$do-E<gt>Stop>('#force#end'). Excludes data object from list of all data objects C<@$Tk::TM::DataObject::Available>
=item $do->DESTROY
Destructor, see C<DESTROY>. Does nothing.
=item $do->Display -> success
Displays current data on screen. This is not very useful method because all high-level methods keep screen actual.
=item $do->doDefault (operation, options, args...) -> success
Implements default actions for all programmable events, evaluates appropriate C<piXXX> code if it exists. This is default value for C<-cbcmd> data object`s parameter. Events and options are described in C<Events of Tk::TM::DataObject> and C<Options of Tk::TM::DataObject operation>
=item $do->doExport (?file, ?format) -> filename
Exports data from data object`s data store to specified file. If no file specified, uses C<Tk::FileSelect> to ask user for filename. Returns filename on success or empty string on failure. See also C<$do-E<gt>Export>
=item $do->doImport (?file, ?format) -> filename
Imports data from file into data object. If no file specified, uses C<Tk::FileSelect> to ask user for filename. Importing each row of data is implemented via insert attempt and update attempt. Returns filename on success or empty string on failure. See also C<$do-E<gt>Import>
=item $do->doPrint (?file, ?format) -> filename
Prints data on printer device or into file specified. See also C<$do-E<gt>Print>. Not implemented yet.
=item $do->dsDisplay -> success
Displays current data on screen: C<-wgtbl>, C<-wgbln>, C<-wgarr>. Calls C<$do-E<gt>dsDispWg>.
=item $do->dsDispWg -> success
Displays current data in by-row widgets: C<-wgbln>, C<-wgarr>
=item $do->dsFldDta (?field) -> data
Returns data from current or specified widget. Parameter may be data widget or field number or field name.
=item $do->dsFldUpd (field, data) -> success
Replaces (updates) data in specified field, displays it on screen. Field may be identified by number or name.
=item $do->dsFocus
Sets focus (focusForce) to current widget.
=item $do->dsReset (?) -> success (always)
Resets data store, drops all rows of data. Does not displays data on screen, but may this in different releases.
=item $do->dsRowCount -> number_of_rows
Returns number of data rows in data store.
=item $do->dsRowDel -> success
Deletes current row of data in data store. Displays changes on screen.
=item $do->dsRowDta (?row) ->\@data_row
Returns reference to array containing data of current or specified row
=item $do->dsRowFeed (\@data_row) -> success
Pushes specified data row into data store. Does not displays data on screen.
=item $do->dsRowFeedAll (\@data) -> success
Replaces all data in data store with specified. Does not displays data on screen.
=item $do->dsRowGo (?row) -> success
Make specified row current and display this on screen. If no row specified, only redisplays data on screen. Row may be specified absolutely or with commands 'next', 'prev', 'pgdn', 'pgup', 'top', 'bot'. Data on screen will be redisplayed in all cases except 'next' and 'prev' optimisations.
=item $do->dsRowNew -> success
Creates (appends) new row into data store, makes it current, displays it on screen, sets focus to it.
=item $do->dsRowUpd (\@data) -> success
Replaces (updates) data in the current row with data specified, displays it on screen.
=item $do->Export (?file, ?format) -> filename
Exports data from data store into file. Saves modified data if needed via C<$do-E<gt>Stop>(''). If no file specified, uses C<Tk::FileSelect> to ask user for filename. Returns filename on success or empty string on failure. See involved: C<-cbcmd>, C<doExport>, C<$do-E<gt>doExport>
=item $do->Find -> success
Presents Find dialog to user and finds in current column first occurrence. See also C<$do-E<gt>FindNxt>
=item $do->FindNxt (?offset) -> success
Finds next occurrence of Find string in current column, goes to row found. Default and usual offset is 1, 0 is used for call from C<$do-E<gt>Find>.
=item $do->Import (?file, ?format) -> filename
Imports data from file into data object. Saves modified data if needed via C<$do-E<gt>Stop>(''). If no file specified, uses C<Tk::FileSelect> to ask user for filename. Importing each row of data is implemented via insert attempt and update attempt. Returns filename on success or empty string on failure. See involved: C<-cbcmd>, C<doImport>, C<$do-E<gt>doImport>
=item $do->initialize (parameters)
Initialises object, see C<initialize>.
=item $do->Print (?file, ?format)
Prints data of data object. Saves modified data if needed via C<$do-E<gt>Stop>(''). See involved: C<-cbcmd>, C<doPrint>, C<$do-E<gt>doPrint>.
=item $do->Retrieve (?opt) -> success
Retrieves data into data store. Saves modified data if needed via C<$do-E<gt>Stop>(''). Option string may contain C<$do-E<gt>Stop>('') options and '#reread' that keeps current row in data store unchanged. Without option '#reread' method C<$do-E<gt>RowGo> ('top') is used. See involved: C<-cbcmd>, C<dbRead>, C<$do-E<gt>dsRowFeed>, C<$do-E<gt>dsRowFeedAll>, C<$do-E<gt>DBICmd>.
=item $do->RowDel -> success
Deletes current row of data. Saves modified data if needed via C<$do-E<gt>Stop>('#save'). See involved: C<-cbcmd>, C<rwDel0>, C<dbDel>, C<rwChg1> C<$do-E<gt>dsRowDel>, C<$do-E<gt>DBICmd>
=item $do->RowGo (row) -> success
Goes to specified row of data: 'top', 'bot', 'pgup', 'pgdn', 'prev', 'next', directly defined row identifier. Saves modified data if needed via C<$do-E<gt>Stop>('#save'). See involved: C<-cbcmd>, C<rwChg1>, C<$do-E<gt>dsRowGo>
=item $do->RowNew -> success
Creates (appends) new row of data. Saves modified data if needed via C<$do-E<gt>Stop>('#save'). See involved: C<-cbcmd>, C<rwIns0>, C<rwIns1>, C<rwChg1>, C<$do-E<gt>dsRowNew>
=item $do->RowUndo -> success
Undoes editing of current row of data via C<$do-E<gt>Stop>('#undo'). See involved: C<rwChg1>
=item $do->Save (?opt) -> success
Saves modified data via C<$do-E<gt>Stop>($opt .'#save'). See involved: C<rwChg1>
=item $do->Sleep (?opt) -> success
Makes data object inactive, frees resources engaged by it. Saves modified data via C<$do-E<gt>Stop>($opt .'#end'). Option "#wgs" destroys data widgets. Option "#dta" drops data buffer. C<$do-E<gt>Retrieve> (C<#reread>) will awake sleeping data object. Sleep procedure may be need application to control resources used.
=item $do->set (parameter) -> value
=item $do->set (parameter=>value...) -> data object
Gets or sets parameters of data object. See C<set>, C<Parameters of Tk::TM::DataObject>
=item $do->setpush (parameter, value) -> data object
Pushes list parameter into data object. See C<setpush>, C<Parameters of Tk::TM::DataObject>
=item $do->Stop (?opt) -> success
Stops data editing user transaction if it is. Other methods often calls it. See involved: C<-cbcmd>, C<rwChg0>, C<dbIns>, C<dbUpd>, C<rwUpd1>, C<doEnd>, C<$do-E<gt>wgFldFocusOut>
=item $do->wgFldFocusIn (widget, ?fieldNo, ?screenRowNo)
Callback for C<FocusIn> C<Tk> event. All used for data object widgets are bind to it.
=item $do->wgFldFocusOut (?widget, ?fieldNo, ?screenRowNo)
Callback for C<FocusOut> C<Tk> event. All used for data object widgets are bind to it. This method is called also by C<$do-E<gt>Stop>
=item $do->wgFldHelper (?widget, ?fieldNo, ?screenRowNo)
Callback for '<Key-F4>' C<Tk> event. All used for data object widgets are bind to it. This method may be called also outside callbacks.
=item $do->wgIndicate (?string)
Indicates current state of data object in C<-wgind>
=cut *********************************************************************** =pod
=head2 Events of Tk::TM::DataObject
This describes programmable events (callbacks) of C<Tk::TM::DataObject> and transaction scheme of them. This events may be implemented by programmer with C<-cbcmd> or C<-cbXXX> routines. See also C<$do-E<gt>doDefault>.
Chains of events:
Change current row: C<rwChg0>, C<rwChg1>, C<fdChg1>
Begin to modify row: C<rwUpd0>, C<fdUpd0>, C<fdUpd1>
Begin to insert row: C<rwChg0>, C<rwIns0>, C<rwIns1>, C<rwChg1>, C<fdChg1>
Save modified row: C<dbIns> | C<dbUpd>, C<rwUpd1>, C<rwChg1>
Delete row: C<rwChg0>, C<rwDel0>, C<dbDel>, C<rwChg1>
=item dbDel (opt, rowNo, undef, undef, \@old_data)
Delete row of data into database. This may be C<$do-E<gt>DBICmd>('delete ...', @old_data)
=item dbIns (opt, rowNo, undef, undef, \@old_data, \@new_data)
Insert new row of data into database. This may be C<$do-E<gt>DBICmd>($opt, 'insert ...', @new_data)
=item dbRead (opt)
Read data from database. This may be C<$do-E<gt>DBICmd>($opt, 'select ...')
=item dbUpd (opt, rowNo, undef, undef, \@old_data, \@new_data)
Update row of data into database. This may be C<$do-E<gt>DBICmd>($opt, 'update ...', @old_data, @new_data)
=item doEnd (opt, rowNo, undef, undef, \@row_data)
End of using data object, C<-parm> may be modified. Invoked from C<$do-E<gt>Stop> (C<"#end">).
=item doExport (file, format)
Export data from data store. In default this is C<$do-E<gt>doExport>
=item doImport (file, format)
Import data into data store. In default this is C<$do-E<gt>doImport>
=item doPrint (file format)
Print data from data store. In default this is C<$do-E<gt>doPrint>
=item fdChg0 (?)
Before changing current field (should current field be changed?). Not implemented.
=item fdChg1 (opt, rowNo, fieldNo, widget)
After current field was changed. This may occur after C<rwChg1>.
=item fdHelp (opt, rowNo, fieldNo, widget)
After key F4 (field fill help) was pressed, this may be entry helper screen displayed. Before this is occurred C<rwUpd0>, C<fdUpd0>
=item fdUpd0 (opt, rowNo, fieldNo, widget)
Before updating (modifying) current field (should field be updated?). In current implementation this occurs after user have been modified data in a widget. This may occur after C<rwUpd0>.
=item fdUpd1 (opt, rowNo, fieldNo, widget, old_value, new_valie)
After current field was modified (accept changes?). In current implementation this occurs after user have been modified data in a widget and exited this widget.
=item rwChg0 (opt, rowNo)
Before changing current row in data store (should current row be changed?). Detail data objects should be saved in this event with C<$do-E<gt>Save>
=item rwChg1 (opt, rowNo)
After current row in data store was changed. Detail data objects should be retrieved in this event with C<$do-E<gt>Retrieve>
=item rwDel0 (opt, rowNo)
Before deleting current row (should row be deleted?) This occurs after C<rwChg0> and before C<dbDel>.
=item rwIns0 (opt)
Before inserting (appending) new row (should new row be inserted?). This occurs after C<rwChg0>. Master data objects should be saved in this event with C<$do-E<gt>Save>.
=item rwIns1 (opt, rowNo)
After new row is inserted (appended) into data store. New row is current row. This occurs before C<dbIns>. Default values should be supplied for this row.
=item rwUpd0 (opt, rowNo)
Before updating (modifying) current row (should row be modified?). This occurs after C<rwChg0> and before C<dbUpd>.
=item rwUpd1 (opt, rowNo, undef, undef, \@old_data, \@new_data)
After current data row was updated (modified). This occurs after C<dbIns> or C<dbUpd> and before C<rwChg1>. Here may be C<$do-E<gt>DBICmd>('selectrow ...', @old_data)
=item usAct (actionName, rowNo, fieldNo, widget)
Called by C<$do-E<gt>Action> when user shoosed item from 'Actions' menu.
=cut *********************************************************************** =pod
=head1 Tk::TM::wgTable MODULE
=item Tk::TM::wgTable
Module C<Tk::TM::wgTable> contains table widget C<tmTable>, populated with C<Tk> widgets.
=item tmTable
Widget C<tmTable> is implemented by module C<Tk::TM::wgTable>. It is inherited from C<Tk::Frame>.
=item use Tk::TM::wgTable
Imports C<Tk::TM::wgTable> module into application to use data objects. This does C<Tk::TM::Lib> module.
=item $mw->tmTable (parameter=>value...)
Creates and returns table widget with parameters specified. Parameters may be C<Tk> options (use C<configure>) or C<tmTable> (use C<set>).
=item -do
Data object to use with this widget
=item -colspecs
Specifications of columns: [[header, widgetType, widgetOption,...],...]. Header may be text for C<Label> widget or reference to array of options for C<Label> widget, the first value in this array should be text. Other parameters of column are type of widget (f.e.C<Entry>) for data and options for this widget creation. There no need of widget for each field, absent widgets should be replaced with undefs.
=item -rowcount
Number of on-screen rows of widgets in table
=item $tbl->Display -> success
Displays data from data object C<-do> within this table widget.
=item $tbl->Focus -> success
Sets focus (focusForce) to current widget within this table widget.
=cut *********************************************************************** =pod
=head1 Tk::TM::wgBlank MODULE
=item Tk::TM::wgBlank
Module C<Tk::TM::wgBlank> contains blank widget C<tmBlank>, that presents data row-by-row with C<Tk> widgets.
=item tmBlank
Widget C<tmBlank> is implemented by module C<Tk::TM::wgBlank>. It is inherited from C<Tk::Frame>.
=item use Tk::TM::wgBlank
Imports C<Tk::TM::wgBlank> module into application to use data objects. This does C<Tk::TM::Lib> module.
=item $mw->tmBlank (parameter=>value...)
Creates and returns table widget with parameters specified. Parameters may be C<Tk> options (use C<configure>) or C<tmBlank> (use C<set>).
=item -do
Data object to use with this widget
=item -wgspecs
Specifications of widgets: [[?incCol, label, ?colSpan, ?rowSpan, widgetType, widgetOption,...],...].
Label may be text for C<Label> widget or reference to array of options for C<Label> widget, the first value in this array should be text.
Parameter 'widgetType' is type of widget (f.e.C<Entry>) for data, followed with options for this widget creation.
Optional 'incCol' parameter is digit to add to current column number in grid geometry manager. Default column number is 0 for label and 1 for widget.
Optional 'colSpan' parameter is digit - number of columns for widget in grid geometry manager. Default is 1.
Optional 'rowSpan' parameter is digit - number of rows for widget in grid geometry manager. Default is 1.
There no need of widget for each field, absent widgets should be replaced with undefs.
=item $bln->Display -> success
Displays data from data object C<-do> within this widget.
=item $bln->Focus -> success
Sets focus (focusForce) to current widget within this widget.
=cut *********************************************************************** =pod
=head1 Tk::TM::DataObjSet MODULE
=item Tk::TM::DataObjSet
Module C<Tk::TM::DataObjSet> implements base object for menu and action bar widgets, described below. Descriptions of C<Tk::TM::wgActionBar> and C<Tk::TM::wgMenu> modules does not contains parameters and methods, described for C<Tk::TM::DataObjSet>. So read it here.
C<Tk::TM::DataObjSet> object contains several C<Tk::TM::DataObject>s and uses current C<Tk::TM::DataObject> or all this C<Tk::TM::DataObject>s (see C<-mdscr>) to achieve required by user operations.
C<Tk::TM::DataObjSet> may be classified to:
Parameters: C<-dos>, C<-wgind>, C<-mdmnu>, C<-mdtbr>, C<-mdedt>, C<-mdnav>, C<-mdscr>, C<-about>, C<-help>, C<-parm>
Common object methods: C<new>, C<initialize> C<destroybind>, C<DESTROY>, C<set>, C<setpush>
Methods of itself: C<$dos-E<gt>DataObject>, C<$dos-E<gt>doAll>, C<$dos-E<gt>doCurrent>, C<$dos-E<gt>Help>
Procedures to transfer to all data objects (see description of data object): C<$do-E<gt>Stop>, C<$do-E<gt>Save>, C<$do-E<gt>Clear>, C<$do-E<gt>Retrieve>, C<$do-E<gt>Reread>
Procedures to transfer to current data object (see description of data object): C<$do-E<gt>Find>, C<$do-E<gt>FindNxt>, C<$do-E<gt>FldHelp>, C<$do-E<gt>RowGo>, C<$do-E<gt>RowNew>, C<$do-E<gt>RowDel>, C<$do-E<gt>RowUndo>, C<$do-E<gt>Export>, C<$do-E<gt>Import>, C<$do-E<gt>Print>, C<$do-E<gt>Action>
=item use Tk::TM::DataObjSet
Imports C<Tk::TM::wgBlank> module into application to use data objects. This does C<Tk::TM::wgActionBar>, C<Tk::TM::wgMenu>, C<Tk::TM::Lib> modules.
=item new Tk::TM::DataObjSet (parameter=>value...)
Creates and returns C<Tk::TM::DataObject> widget with parameters specified. Parameters may be specified with C<set> also. C<Tk> options for inherited widgets may be specified with C<configure>). Do not use this method, use C<$mw-E<gt>tmActionBar> or C<$mw-E<gt>tmMenu>.
=item -about
Text or routine to produce about text for 'Help / About' menu.
=item -dos
Reference to array of data objects managed by this object. Default value is C<@Tk::TM::DataObject::Available> - list of all existed data objects in application.
=item -help
Text or routine to produce help text for 'Help / Help' menu.
=item -mdedt
Enable edit actions for user (edit mode). Value is controlled by current data object.
=item -mdmnu
Type of menu to use: 'bar' - menu bar C<Tk::Menu> (default), 'button' - menu with C<Tk::Menubutton>s, '' - no menu.
=item -mdnav
Enable only navigation buttons for user (navigation mode). Default is disabled (false).
=item -mdscr
Restrict operations on all data objects to data objects in the same parent widget as current. Default is disabled.
=item -mdtbr
Type of toolbar (action bar) to use: true - use toolbar (default), false - no toolbar.
=item -parm
Programmer`s parameters, hash reference. Does`nt used by C<Tk::TM>, may be used for programmer`s needs. Default value is C<$Tk::TM::DataObjSet::Parm>, and so all data object sets in application shares the same area of parameters.
=item -wgind
Indicator widget for data objects. See C<-wgind> in it`s description.
=item $dos->DataObject -> current data object
Returns current data object
=item $dos->doAll (sub, args) -> success
Executes given sub for all data objects or restricted with C<-mdscr>
=item $dos->doCurrent (sub, args) -> success
Executes given sub for current data object.
=item $dos->Help (-about|-help)
Executes help screen.
=cut *********************************************************************** =pod
=head1 Tk::TM::wgActionBar MODULE
=item Tk::TM::wgActionBar
Module C<Tk::TM::wgActionBar> implements the simplest widget C<tmActionBar> with user actions as 'retrieve', 'save', 'next', 'previous'... It inherits from C<Tk::TM::DataObjSet>, and below are only description of C<Tk::TM::wgActionBar> features.
=item tmActionBar
Widget C<tmActionBar> is implemented by module C<Tk::TM::wgActionBar>.
=item use Tk::TM::wgActionBar
Imports C<Tk::TM::wgActionBar> module into application to use action bar objects. This does C<Tk::TM::Lib> module.
=item $mw->tmActionBar (parameter=>value...)
Creates and returns action bar widget with parameters specified. Parameters may be C<Tk> options (use C<configure>) or C<Tk::TM::DataObjSet> (use C<set>).
=item $mw->setActions (@actions)
Sets 'Actions' menu. Each action may be string with action name to use with C<$do-E<gt>Action> call (C<usAct> callback), or reference to array of [name, type, options for C<Tk::Menu>].
=cut *********************************************************************** =pod
=head1 Tk::TM::wgMenu MODULE
=item Tk::TM::wgMenu
Module C<Tk::TM::wgMenu> implements widget C<tmMenu> - menu and toolbar in CUA-style, more complex then C<tmActionBar>, with more user actions. It inherits from C<Tk::TM::DataObjSet>, and below are only description of C<Tk::TM::wgMenu> features.
=item tmMenu
Widget C<tmMenu> is implemented by module C<Tk::TM::wgMenu>.
=item use Tk::TM::wgMenu
Imports C<Tk::TM::wgMenu> module into application to use menu objects. This does C<Tk::TM::Lib> module.
=item $mw->tmMenu (parameter=>value...)
Creates and returns menu widget with parameters specified. Parameters may be C<Tk> options (use C<configure>) or C<Tk::TM::DataObjSet> (use C<set>).
=item $mw->setActions (@actions)
Sets 'Actions' menu. Each action may be string with action name to use with C<$do-E<gt>Action> call (C<usAct> callback), or reference to array of [name, type, options for C<Tk::Menu>].
=cut *********************************************************************** =pod
=head1 VERSION
=item "16-18/11/2000"
Bug 'bad event type or keysym "~"' fixed in ''.
Status Line support implemented, but without comments for fields.
Bug of incorrect 'pgup' within table fixed in ''.
Scrollbar in '' implemented.
=item "22/10-03/11/2000"
C<exit> calls replaced with C<Tk::exit> calls to avoid abnormal program terminations.
C<Key-F4> bindings moved from C<Tk::TM::DataObject>, C<Tk::TM::wgBlank>, C<Tk::TM::wgTable> to C<Tk::TM::wgMenu> to avoid conflict with 'Alt-F4'.
C<Tk::TM::Common::DBILogin> unified for C<Tk::TM::wApp> use.
Sleeping DataObject can operate with data in current row: C<$do-E<gt>Sleep> and C<$do-E<gt>Retrieve> uses new DataObject`s parameter C<-dsslp> to indicate sleeping and save C<-dsrid>.
C<-parmc> DataObject`s parameter created.
C<-wgnav> DataObject`s parameter renamed to C<-wgmnu> for unification with C<Tk::TM::wApp>.
Error processing for callbacks added.
C<$do-E<gt>DBICmd> corrected - undefined attributes inserted into 'do' arguments.
C<-dsrd0> DataObject`s parameter corrected - now it is filled with copy of C<$do-E<gt>dsRowDta>.
C<-sqlsel>, C<-sqlins>, C<-sqlupd>, C<-sqldel> DataObject`s parameters added - simplest sql generator features implemented, see also C<$do-E<gt>DBIGen>.
C<-sqgscr>, C<-sqgfd>, C<-sqgsf>, C<-sqgsj>, C<-sqgsc>, C<-sqgso>, C<-sqgpt>, C<-sqgpb> DataObject`s parameters added - SQL and Widget generator created, see also C<$do-E<gt>DBIGen>.
C<-mdedt> may contain 'c'reate or 'i'nsert, 'u'pdate, 'd'elete.
C<$do-E<gt>DBICnd> - Query condition and sort dialog created.
C<-dbfaw> DataObject`s parameter added - widget width adaptation to database fields implemented.
=item "12/08/2000" - fixed "bad event type or keysym 'ä'"
=item "06/02/2000" - first documented release
- Test and Debug
- tmDialogBox - approve and document?
- Conflict of 'F4' and 'Alt+F4' callbacks
=item "12/12/1999" - documentation was began
This documentation was began.
Some reviewing done.
Modules C<Lib>, C<Common>, C<Lang> created.
- Review api and naming
- Approve code
- Debug
- Document realised
- Action interfaces- methods to customise additional actions
- DataObjSet actions for all DataObjects (as reread or query) may involve only DataObjects on current screen - window or panel.
=cut *********************************************************************** =pod
=head1 AUTHOR
Andrew V Makarow <>, Denis E Medvedyuk <>
Tk::TM - User interface for database applications. Tk::TM - Tk Transaction Manager - screen transactions with user. |