WebFetch::COLA - news from the comp.os.linux.announce newsgroup |
WebFetch::COLA - news from the comp.os.linux.announce (``cola'') newsgroup
In perl scripts:
use WebFetch::COLA;
From the command line:
perl -w -MWebFetch::COLA -e "&fetch_main" -- --dir directory
This module downloads news from the comp.os.linux.announce (``c.o.l.a'') moderator's archive.
After this runs, the file cola.html
will be created or replaced.
If there already was an cola.html
file, it will be moved to
The c.o.l.a archive is bursty, with many news items showing up at once, but only updated every few days. In order to present many current items, WebFetch::COLA sorts by date but shuffles items which are listed as being on the same date. The webmaster is advised to include a link to the COLA archive near the headline list so readers can peruse it if anything listed gets their attention.
If the shuffle feature is not desired, use the ``--noshuffle'' command-line option to disable it.
WebFetch was written by Ian Kluft
for the Silicon Valley Linux User Group (SVLUG).
Send patches, bug reports, suggestions and questions to
WebFetch::COLA - news from the comp.os.linux.announce newsgroup |