WebFetch::LinuxTelephony - download and save LinuxTelephony headlines |
WebFetch::LinuxTelephony - download and save LinuxTelephony headlines
In perl scripts:
use WebFetch::LinuxTelephony;
>From the command line:
perl -w -MWebFetch::LinuxTelephony -e "&fetch_main" -- --dir directory
This module gets the current headlines from LinuxTelephony.
After this runs, the file linuxtelephony.html
will be created or replaced.
If there already was an linuxtelephony.html
file, it will be moved to
WebFetch was written by Ian Kluft
for the Silicon Valley Linux User Group (SVLUG).
Send patches, bug reports, suggestions and questions to
WebFetch::LinuxTelephony is based on WebFetch::LinuxToday.
Modifications made for WebFetch::LinuxTelephony by
Gregory S. Youngblood, greg@tcscs.com
WebFetch::LinuxTelephony - download and save LinuxTelephony headlines |