Apache::Cookie - HTTP Cookies Class |
Apache::Cookie - HTTP Cookies Class
use Apache::Cookie (); my $r = Apache->request; my $cookie = Apache::Cookie->new($r, ...);
The Apache::Cookie module is a Perl interface to the cookie routines in libapreq. The interface is based on Lincoln Stein's CGI::Cookie module.
Apache::Cookie does not export any symbols to the caller's namespace.
Except for the request object passed to Apache::Cookie::new
, the OO
interface is identical to CGI::Cookie. Please consult the the CGI::Cookie manpage
documentation for more details.
Just like CGI::Cookie::new, but requires an Apache request object:
my $cookie = Apache::Cookie->new($r, -name => 'foo', -value => 'bar', -expires => '+3M', -domain => '.capricorn.com', -path => '/cgi-bin/database', -secure => 1 );
Put cookie in the oven to bake. (Add a Set-Cookie header to the outgoing headers table.)
This method parses the given string if present, otherwise, the incoming Cookie header:
my $cookies = $cookie->parse; #hash ref
my %cookies = $cookie->parse;
my %cookies = $cookie->parse($cookie_string);
Fetch and parse the incoming Cookie header:
my $cookies = Apache::Cookie->fetch; #hash ref
my %cookies = Apache::Cookie->fetch;
Format the cookie object as a string:
#same as $cookie->bake $r->err_headers_out->add("Set-Cookie" => $cookie->as_string);
Get or set the name of the cookie:
my $name = $cookie->name;
Get or set the values of the cookie:
my $value = $cookie->value; my @values = $cookie->value;
$cookie->value("string"); $cookie->value(\@array);
Get or set the domain for the cookie:
my $domain = $cookie->domain; $cookie->domain(".cp.net");
Get or set the path for the cookie:
my $path = $cookie->path; $cookie->path("/");
Get or set the expire time for the cookie:
my $expires = $cookie->expires; $cookie->expires("+3h");
Get or set the secure flag for the cookie:
my $secure = $cookie->secure; $cookie->secure(1);
The underlying C code for the Apache::Cookie module presents some unexpected results for Perl programmers when dealing with null bytes ('\0's) inside cookies. Native C commonly uses ``null-terminated strings'' when storing scalar string values. This means that C uses a '\0' byte to mark the end of the string(EOS). What this means for Perl programmers is that if you wish to create a cookie with a '\0' byte, the underlying C library will simply truncate the value at the '\0' byte. A cookie with the value '\0' will similarly simply be ignored, as the C library will not detect any content whatsoever. This problem is solved in the libapreq-2.0 library.
should also accept a hash ref as argument.
Apache(3), Apache::Request(3), CGI::Cookie(3)
Doug MacEachern, updated for v1.0 by Joe Schaefer updated for v1.1 by Issac Goldstand
Apache::Cookie - HTTP Cookies Class |