PDL::Graphics::TriD::Objects - Simple Graph Objects for TriD |
PDL::Graphics::TriD::Objects - Simple Graph Objects for TriD
Look in PDL/Demos/TkTriD_demo.pm for several examples, the code in PDL/Demos/TriD1.pm and PDL/Demos/TriD2.pm also uses objects but it hides them from the user.
GObjects can be either stand-alone or in Graphs, scaled properly. All the points used by the object must be in the member {Points}. I guess we can afford to force data to be copied (X,Y,Z) -> (Points)...
Inherits from base PDL::Graphics::TriD::Object and adds fields Points, Colors and Options. Need lots more here...
PDL::Graphics::TriD::Objects - Simple Graph Objects for TriD |