PDL::RandVar -- Random number sequences. |
PDL::RandVar -- Random number sequences.
This document refers to version 1.0 of RandVar
use PDL::RandVar;
$m = new PDL::RandVar(<dims>,<options>)
This package implements random variable streams with various options. It provides a uniform interface to (hopefully, eventually) a wide variety of random and pseudo-random number generators. The base class uses a uniformly distributed engine (currently just perl's own rand function), and subclasses generate different distributions.
Once you've declared a random variable, you can get out samples with the explicit ->sample method. Eventually, sampling will be made implicit, so that you can just include random variables in expressions when you want a sample per element of the expression, or use ->sample for more complex sampling.
RandVar is designed for easy subclassing. You need only implement ->sample and ->new to get a new class.
When you ``use PDL::RandVar'' you also get some standard subclasses. They're pretty cheap to load. When you use RandVar, the following classes are also automagically loaded (and have their own documentation):
0.01 4-Dec-2001 -- Basic functionality (CED) 1.0 9-Jan-2002 -- seems to work OK (CED)
This file copyright(C)
2001, 2002 Craig DeForest
(cdeforest@solar.stanford.edu) This software/documentation may be
distributed under the same terms as PDL itself (license available at
http://pdl.perl.org). This package comes with NO WARRANTY.
At the moment, repeatability by seeding is not implemented. More work needs to be done to get reproducible sequences.
gets 100 samples and automagically threads over the 200 dimension).
This gets implemented at the top level -- subclasses need only implement
and RandVar should handle the rest.
Construct a uniformly distributed random variable.
Signature: (size())
$a = new RandVar(<size>,<opt>);
=item range
2xn piddle containing min and max values for each dimension of the R.V.
$xyrand = new RandVar(2,{range=>pdl([$xmin,$xmax],[$ymin,$ymax])}); $newxy = sample $xyrand;
Return one or more samples of the random variable
This is a pretty stoopid implementation -- it just calls the perl rand()
a bunch of times and is here primarily to get the ball rolling on the object.
Signature: sample(n(),[o]out(d,n))
You can pass in an output pdl to avoid having to reallocate each time.
$out = <RandVar>->sample(<n>);
$rv = new RandVar; $samps = $rv->sample(10);
You get back an <n>x<d> array, where <n> is the number of samples you ask for and <d> is the dimension of the random variable. This may seeem transposed but it allows you to drop the last dimension if your variable is a scalar.
PDL::RandVar -- Random number sequences. |