base - Establish an ISA relationship with base classes at compile time


base - Establish an ISA relationship with base classes at compile time


    package Baz;
    use base qw(Foo Bar);


Allows you to both load one or more modules, while setting up inheritance from those modules at the same time. Roughly similar in effect to

    package Baz;
    BEGIN {
        require Foo;
        require Bar;
        push @ISA, qw(Foo Bar);

base employs some heuristics to determine if a module has already been loaded, if it has it doesn't try again. If base tries to require the module it will not die if it cannot find the module's file, but will die on any other error. After all this, should your base class be empty, containing no symbols, it will die. This is useful for inheriting from classes in the same file as yourself, like so:

        package Foo;
        sub exclaim { "I can have such a thing?!" }
        package Bar;
        use base "Foo";

If $VERSION is not detected even after loading it, <base> will define $VERSION in the base package, setting it to the string -1, set by

base will also initialize the fields if one of the base classes has it. Multiple inheritance of fields is NOT supported, if two or more base classes each have inheritable fields the 'base' pragma will croak. See the fields manpage, public and protected for a description of this feature.

The base class' import method is not called.


Base class package ``%s'' is empty. was unable to require the base package, because it was not found in your path.

Class 'Foo' tried to inherit from itself
Attempting to inherit from yourself generates a warning.
    use Foo;
    use base 'Foo';


This module was introduced with Perl 5.004_04.


Due to the limitations of the implementation, you must use base before you declare any of your own fields.


the fields manpage

 base - Establish an ISA relationship with base classes at compile time