Class::MakeMethods::Template::ClassInherit - Overridable class data |
Class::MakeMethods::Template::ClassInherit - Overridable class data
package MyClass;
use Class::MakeMethods( 'Template::ClassInherit:scalar' => 'foo' ); # We now have an accessor method for an "inheritable" scalar value package main; MyClass->foo( 'Foozle' ); # Set a class-wide value print MyClass->foo(); # Retrieve class-wide value ... package MySubClass; @ISA = 'MyClass'; print MySubClass->foo(); # Intially same as superclass, MySubClass->foo('Foobar'); # but overridable per subclass/
The MakeMethods subclass provides accessor methods that search an inheritance tree to find a value. This allows you to set a shared or default value for a given class, and optionally override it in a subclass.
The following methods from Generic should all be supported:
scalar string string_index (?) number boolean bits (?) array (*) hash (*) tiedhash (?) hash_of_arrays (?) object (?) instance (?) array_of_objects (?) code (?) code_or_scalar (?)
See the Class::MakeMethods::Template::Generic manpage for the interfaces and behaviors of these method types.
The items marked with a * above are specifically defined in this package, whereas the others are formed automatically by the interaction of this package's generic settings with the code templates provided by the Generic superclass.
The items marked with a ? above have not been tested sufficiently; please inform the author if they do not function as you would expect.
See the Class::MakeMethods manpage for general information about this distribution.
See the Class::MakeMethods::Template manpage for more about this family of subclasses.
See the Class::MakeMethods::Template::Generic manpage for information about the various accessor interfaces subclassed herein.
If you just need scalar accessors, see the Class::Data::Inheritable manpage for a very elegant and efficient implementation.
Class::MakeMethods::Template::ClassInherit - Overridable class data |