DBIx::Class::Storage - Generic Storage Handler


DBIx::Class::Storage - Generic Storage Handler


A base implementation of common Storage methods. For specific information about the DBI manpage-based storage, see the DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI manpage.



Arguments: $schema

Instantiates the Storage object.


Used to reset the schema class or object which owns this storage object, such as during clone in the DBIx::Class::Schema manpage.


Returns true if we have an open storage connection, false if it is not (yet) open.


Closes any open storage connection unconditionally.


Initiate a connection to the storage if one isn't already open.


Throws an exception - croaks.


Arguments: $coderef, @coderef_args?
Return Value: The return value of $coderef

Executes $coderef with (optional) arguments @coderef_args atomically, returning its result (if any). If an exception is caught, a rollback is issued and the exception is rethrown. If the rollback fails, (i.e. throws an exception) an exception is thrown that includes a ``Rollback failed'' message.

For example,

  my $author_rs = $schema->resultset('Author')->find(1);
  my @titles = qw/Night Day It/;
  my $coderef = sub {
    # If any one of these fails, the entire transaction fails
    $author_rs->create_related('books', {
      title => $_
    }) foreach (@titles);
    return $author->books;
  my $rs;
  eval {
    $rs = $schema->txn_do($coderef);
  if ($@) {                                  # Transaction failed
    die "something terrible has happened!"   #
      if ($@ =~ /Rollback failed/);          # Rollback failed

In a nested transaction (calling txn_do() from within a txn_do() coderef) only the outermost transaction will issue a txn_commit, and txn_do() can be called in void, scalar and list context and it will behave as expected.

Please note that all of the code in your coderef, including non-DBIx::Class code, is part of a transaction. This transaction may fail out halfway, or it may get partially double-executed (in the case that our DB connection failed halfway through the transaction, in which case we reconnect and restart the txn). Therefore it is best that any side-effects in your coderef are idempotent (that is, can be re-executed multiple times and get the same result), and that you check up on your side-effects in the case of transaction failure.


Starts a transaction.

See the preferred txn_do method, which allows for an entire code block to be executed transactionally.


Issues a commit of the current transaction.


Issues a rollback of the current transaction. A nested rollback will throw a the DBIx::Class::Storage::NESTED_ROLLBACK_EXCEPTION manpage exception, which allows the rollback to propagate to the outermost transaction.


Returns a sql_maker object - normally an object of class DBIC::SQL::Abstract.


Causes trace information to be emitted on the debugobj object. (or STDERR if debugobj has not specifically been set).

This is the equivalent to setting DBIC_TRACE in your shell environment.


Set or retrieve the filehandle used for trace/debug output. This should be an IO::Handle compatible ojbect (only the print method is used. Initially set to be STDERR - although see information on the DBIC_TRACE environment variable.


Sets or retrieves the object used for metric collection. Defaults to an instance of the DBIx::Class::Storage::Statistics manpage that is compatible with the original method of using a coderef as a callback. See the aforementioned Statistics class for more information.


Sets a callback to be executed each time a statement is run; takes a sub reference. Callback is executed as $sub->($op, $info) where $op is SELECT/INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE and $info is what would normally be printed.

See the debugobj manpage for a better way.


The cursor class for this Storage object.


Deploy the tables to storage (CREATE TABLE and friends in a SQL-based Storage class). This would normally be called through deploy in the DBIx::Class::Schema manpage.


The arguments of connect_info are always a single array reference, and are Storage-handler specific.

This is normally accessed via connection in the DBIx::Class::Schema manpage, which encapsulates its argument list in an arrayref before calling connect_info here.


Handle a select statement.


Handle an insert statement.


Handle an update statement.


Handle a delete statement.


Performs a select, fetch and return of data - handles a single row only.


Returns metadata for the given source's columns. This is *deprecated*, and will be removed before 1.0. You should be specifying the metadata yourself if you need it.



If DBIC_TRACE is set then trace information is produced (as when the the debug manpage method is set).

If the value is of the form 1=/path/name then the trace output is written to the file /path/name.

This environment variable is checked when the storage object is first created (when you call connect on your schema). So, run-time changes to this environment variable will not take effect unless you also re-connect on your schema.


Old name for DBIC_TRACE


Matt S. Trout <mst@shadowcatsystems.co.uk>

Andy Grundman <andy@hybridized.org>


You may distribute this code under the same terms as Perl itself.

 DBIx::Class::Storage - Generic Storage Handler