DBIx::Class::Validation - Validate all data before submitting to your database.


DBIx::Class::Validation - Validate all data before submitting to your database.


In your base DBIx::Class package:

  __PACKAGE__->load_components(qw/... Validation/);

And in your subclasses:

    module => 'FormValidator::Simple',
    profile => { ... },
    filters => 0,
    auto => 1,

And then somewhere else:

  eval{ $obj->validate() };
  if( my $results = $EVAL_ERROR ){



    module => 'FormValidator::Simple',
    profile => { ... },
    filters => 0,
    auto => 1,

Calls validation_module, validation_profile and validation_auto if the corresponding argument is defined.



Sets the validation module to use. Any module that supports a check() method just like Data::FormValidator's can be used here, such as FormValidator::Simple.

Defaults to FormValidator::Simple.


    { ... }

Sets the profile that will be passed to the validation module. Expects either a HASHREF or a reference to a subroutine. If it's a subref it will be passed the result row object as it's first parameter so that you can perform complex data validation for cases when you'd like to have access to the actual result.

For example, you could use the following to return an error if the named field is not unique in the table:

    my $profile = sub {
        my $result = shift @_;
        return {
            required => [qw/email/],
            constraint_methods => {
                email => sub {
                    my ($dvf, $val) = @_;
                    return $result->result_source->resultset->find({email=>$val}) ? 0:1;

Please note that the subref needs to return a hashref/arrayref suitable for use in the validation module you have chosen.


  __PACKAGE__->validation_auto( 1 );

Turns on and off auto-validation. This feature makes all UPDATEs and INSERTs call the validate method before doing anything.

The default is for validation_auto is to be on.


  __PACKAGE__->validation_filter( 1 );

Turns on and off validation filters. When on, this feature will make all UPDATEs and INSERTs modify your data to that of the values returned by your validation modules check method. This is primarily meant for use with Data::FormValidator but may be used with any validation module that returns a results object that supports a valid() method just like Data::FormValidator::Results.

Filters modify your data, so use them carefully.

The default is for validation_filter is to be off.



Validates all the data in the object against the pre-defined validation module and profile. If there is a problem then a hard error will be thrown. If you put the validation in an eval you can capture whatever the module's check() method returned.


The following DBIx::Class::Row methods are extended by this module:-



DBIx::Class, FormValidator::Simple, Data::FormValidator


Aran C. Deltac <bluefeet@cpan.org>


Tom Kirkpatrick <tkp@cpan.org> Christopher Laco <claco@cpan.org> John Napiorkowski <jjn1056@yahoo.com>


You may distribute this code under the same terms as Perl itself.

 DBIx::Class::Validation - Validate all data before submitting to your database.