HTML::Mason::Cache::BaseCache - Base cache object |
HTML::Mason::Cache::BaseCache - Base cache object
This is the base module for all cache implementations used in Mason.
It provides a few additional methods on top of Cache::BaseCache
Dewitt Clinton's Cache::Cache
An object of this class is returned from $m->cache.
Remove all values in the cache.
Returns the value associated with key or undef if it is non-existent or expired. This is extended with the following optional name/value parameters:
Returns the underlying Cache::Object
object associated with key.
The most useful methods on this object are
$co->get_created_at(); # when was object stored in cache $co->get_accessed_at(); # when was object last accessed $co->get_expires_at(); # when does object expire
Expires the value associated with key, if it exists. Differs from remove only in that the cache object is left around, e.g. for retrieval by get_object.
Removes the cache object associated with key, if it exists.
Associates data with key in the cache. duration indicates the time until the value should be erased. If duration is unspecified, the value will never expire by time.
$expires_in may be a simple number of seconds, or a string of the form ``[number] [unit]'', e.g., ``10 minutes''. The valid units are s, second, seconds, sec, m, minute, minutes, min, h, hour, hours, d, day, days, w, week, weeks, M, month, months, y, year, and years.
HTML::Mason::Cache::BaseCache - Base cache object |