JUNOS::Device - Implements a remote JUNOScript device |
JUNOS::Device - Implements a remote JUNOScript device
Here is example that makes a telnet connection to router11, then updates the router11's configuration with the configuration from $xmlfile. It also deals with error conditions and gracefully shuts down the telnet session.
use JUNOS::Device;
sub graceful_shutdown { my ($jnx, $req, $state, $success) = @_; if ($state >= STATE_CONFIG_LOADED) { print "Rolling back configuration ...\n"; $jnx->load_configuration(rollback => 0); }
if ($state >= STATE_LOCKED) { print "Unlocking configuration database ...\n"; $jnx->unlock_configuration(); } if ($state >= STATE_CONNECTED) { print "Disconnecting from the router ...\n"; $jnx->request_end_session(); $jnx->disconnect(); }
if ($success) { die "REQUEST $req SUCCEEDED\n"; } else { die "REQUEST $req FAILED\n"; } }
$jnx = new JUNOS::Device(hostname => "router11", login => "johndoe", password => "secret", access => "telnet");
unless ( ref $jnx ) { die "ERROR: can't connect to $deviceinfo{hostname}.\n"; }
print "Locking configuration database ...\n";
my $res = $jnx->lock_configuration();
my $err = $res->getFirstError();
if ($err) { print "ERROR: $deviceinfo{hostname}: can't lock configuration. Reason: $err->{message}.\n"; graceful_shutdown($jnx, $xmlfile, STATE_CONNECTED, REPORT_FAILURE); }
# # Load the configuration # print "Loading configuration from $xmlfile ...\n"; if (! -f $xmlfile) { print "ERROR: Cannot load configuration in $xmlfile\n"; graceful_shutdown($jnx, $xmlfile, STATE_LOCKED, REPORT_FAILURE); }
my $parser = new XML::DOM::Parser; my $doc = $parser->parsefile($xmlfile); unless ( ref $doc ) { print "ERROR: Cannot parse $xmlfile, check to make sure the XML data is well-formed\n"; graceful_shutdown($jnx, $xmlfile, STATE_LOCKED, REPORT_FAILURE); } $res = $jnx->load_configuration(configuration => $doc); unless ( ref $res ) { print "ERROR: can't load the configuration from $xmlfile\n"; graceful_shutdown($jnx, $xmlfile, STATE_LOCKED, REPORT_FAILURE); } $err = $res->getFirstError(); if ($err) { print "ERROR: can't load the configuration from $xmlfile. Reason: $err->{message}\n"; graceful_shutdown($jnx, $xmlfile, STATE_CONFIG_LOADED, REPORT_FAILURE); }
Here is another example. It retrieves 'show chassis hardware' information and transforms the input with XSLT.
# connect TO the JUNOScript server $jnx = new JUNOS::Device(hostname => "router11", login => "johndoe", password => "secret", access => "telnet"); unless ( ref $jnx ) { die "ERROR: $deviceinfo{hostname}: can't connect.\n"; }
# send the command and receive a XML::DOM object my $res = $jnx->get_chassis_inventory(detail => 1); unless ( ref $res ) { die "ERROR: $deviceinfo{hostname}: can't execute command $query.\n"; }
# Check and see if there were any errors in executing the command. # If all is well, output the response using XSLT. my $err = $res->getFirstError(); if ($err) { print STDERR "ERROR: $deviceinfo{'hostname'} - ", $err->{message}, "\n"; } else { # # Now do the transformation using XSLT. # my $xmlfile = "$deviceinfo{hostname}.xml"; $res->printToFile($xmlfile); my $nm = $res->translateXSLtoRelease('xmlns:lc', $xslfile, "$xslfile.tmp"); if ($nm) { my $command = "xsltproc $nm $deviceinfo{hostname}.xml"; system($command); } else { print STDERR "ERROR: Invalid XSL File $xslfile\n"; } } # always close the connection $jnx->request_end_session(); $jnx->disconnect();
This module implements an object oriented interface to the JUNOScript (tm) XML-based API supported by Juniper Networks. Objects of this class represent the local side of connection to a Juniper Networks device running JUNOS, over which the JUNOScript protocol will be spoken. JUNOScript is described in detail in the JUNOScript API Guide and Reference.
The constructor accepts a hash table %ARGS containing the following keys:
hostname Name of Juniper box to connect to.
login Username to log into box as.
password Password for login username.
access Access method - can be 'telnet' or 'ssh' or 'ssl'.
Do_Not_Connect if set to true a connection to a Juniper box will not be establish upon object creation. You then must call the 'connect' function to explicitly create the connection
namespace-action if you don't want to deal with namespace, just set this to either 'remove-namespace' or 'update-namespace'. This is handy when you don't want to care about declaring the XML namespace in your XSL file(s). 'remove-namespace' means removing all namespace declarations and schemaLocation from the the responses. 'update-namespace' means remove all namespaces and replace schemaLocation with noNamespaceSchemaLocation.
Additional keys specific to the access method are processed by the access method object (e.g. JUNOS::Access::telnet). See the perldoc of the access method class for the definition of these additional keys.
Send the raw command string from $COMMAND to the remote Juniper box. This is a 'mostly unsupported' way of getting to any JUNOS command that is currently unsupported in JUNOScript. Caveat Coder.
typically called by the constructor. If you set 'Do_Not_Connect' to be true you must call this function yourself.
Disconnects from a JUNOScript server & performs other clean-up related to this conneciton. This function will also be called if your JUNOS::Device object goes out of scope or is undef'ed.
and getFirstError()
are available for the application to
retrieve all of the errors occured within the last JUNOS::Device method
invocation. The application may wish to print these error messages in
log file or display on a different error window. getErrors()
a reference to all the errors and getFirstError()
returns the earliest
error that triggered the failure. These methods can be called after
a JUNOS::Device method has failed.
Note: These errors normally go to the standard output unless the Always category is in JUNOS::Trace is disabled. Unless you want the errors to go someplace other than the standard output, you don't need to call these methods.
An example of using getFirstError:
my $error = $jnx->getFirstError();
print ERRORLOG (``ERROR: $error\n'');
An example of using getErrors:
my @errors = @{$jnx->getErrors()};
for my $error (@errors) {
print ERRORLOG (``ERROR: $error\n'');
You should call <JUNOScript command> functions - which eventually utilize this function - you should not call this directly!
Sends a request in $REQUEST to a Juniper box and returns the result. In a scalar context a JUNOS::Response object is returned. In an array context an array consisting of the XML::DOM::Document object and the raw JUNOS::Response object containing the enclosing <rpc-reply> tags. The parameter is the name of the JUNOScript function to be called on the remote Juniper box.
<JUNOScript command>
You may call any JUNOScript command via the JUNOS::Device Handle. See 'request' function for return values.
These methods are available when connecting to a JUNOS 5.1 router. they can take two types of arguments or zero arguments:
1. 'toggle' - argument is present or not. For example the 'extensive' argument to the 'get_interface_information' method: get_interface_information(extensive => 1);
2. 'string' - a string argument For example the 'slot' argument to the 'get_pic_information' method: get_pic_information(slot => ``2'');
method is followed by a list of accepted arguments and their types if it has any.
get_accounting_profile_information profile => STRING
get_accounting_record_information profile => STRING since => STRING utc_timestamp => TOGGLE
get_chassis_inventory detail => TOGGLE extensive => TOGGLE
get_interface_information brief => TOGGLE destination_class => STRING detail => TOGGLE extensive => TOGGLE interface_name => STRING media => TOGGLE queue => TOGGLE snmp_index => STRING statistics => TOGGLE terse => TOGGLE
get_pic_information slot => STRING
get_route_engine_information slot => STRING
get_ssb_information slot => STRING
request_halt at => STRING in => STRING media => STRING message => STRING
request_reboot at => STRING in => STRING media => STRING message => STRING
get_bgp_group_information group_name => STRING
get_bgp_neighbor_information neighbor_address => STRING
get_instance_information name => STRING
get_isis_adjacency_information brief => STRING detail => STRING instance => STRING system_id => STRING
get_isis_database_information brief => STRING detail => STRING extensive => STRING instance => STRING system_id => STRING
get_isis_interface_information brief => STRING detail => STRING instance => STRING interface_name => STRING
get_isis_route_information instance => STRING
get_isis_statistics_information instance => STRING
get_l2vpn_connection_information brief => STRING down => STRING extensive => STRING history => STRING instance => STRING local_site => STRING remote_site => STRING status => STRING up => STRING up_down => STRING
get_mpls_lsp_information brief => STRING detail => STRING down => STRING egress => STRING extensive => STRING ingress => STRING name => STRING statistics => STRING terse => STRING transit => STRING up => STRING
get_mpls_path_information path => STRING
get_ospf_database_information advertising_router => STRING area => STRING asbrsummary => STRING brief => STRING detail => STRING extensive => STRING extern => STRING instance => STRING lsa_id => STRING netsummary => STRING network => STRING nssa => STRING router => STRING summary => STRING
get_ospf_interface_information brief => STRING detail => STRING extensive => STRING instance => STRING interface_name => STRING
get_ospf_log_information instance => STRING
get_ospf_neighbor_information brief => STRING detail => STRING extensive => STRING instance => STRING neighbor => STRING
get_ospf_route_information abr => STRING asbr => STRING detail => STRING extern => STRING instance => STRING inter => STRING intra => STRING
get_ospf_statistics_information instance => STRING
get_rsvp_interface_information brief => STRING detail => STRING
get_rsvp_session_information brief => STRING detail => STRING down => STRING egress => STRING ingress => STRING interface => STRING lsp => STRING name => STRING nolsp => STRING terse => STRING transit => STRING up => STRING
get_ted_database_information brief => STRING detail => STRING extensive => STRING system_id => STRING
get_ted_link_information brief => STRING detail => STRING
get_ted_protocol_information brief => STRING detail => STRING
request_package_add delay_restart => TOGGLE force => TOGGLE no_copy => TOGGLE package_name => STRING reboot => TOGGLE
request_package_delete force => TOGGLE package_name => STRING
JUNOS::Response XML::DOM JUNOS::Trace JUNOScript API Guide (available at www.juniper.net) JUNOScript API Reference (available at www.juniper.net)
Juniper Junoscript Perl Team, send bug reports, hints, tips, and suggestions to support@juniper.net.
Copyright (c) 2001-2002 Juniper Networks, Inc. All rights reserved.
JUNOS::Device - Implements a remote JUNOScript device |