JUNOS::Methods - Implements the superclass for JUNOS::Device |
JUNOS::Methods - Implements the superclass for JUNOS::Device
This class is is used internally to provide the junoscript xml commands to JUNOS::Device.
This class implements the <JUNOScript Command> methods inherited by JUNOS::Device.
Build the hash tables for the AUTOLOAD subroutine to accept <JUNOScript Command> method invocation. The list of JUNOScript commands are read from the jroute_methods.pl and jkernel_methods.pl files.
Juniper Junoscript Perl Team, send bug reports, hints, tips, and suggestions to support@juniper.net.
Copyright (c) 2001 Juniper Networks, Inc. All rights reserved.
JUNOS::Methods - Implements the superclass for JUNOS::Device |