Maypole::Manual::About - Introduction to Maypole |
Maypole::Manual::About - Introduction to Maypole
This chapter serves as a gentle introduction to Maypole and setting up Maypole applications. We look at what Maypole is, how to get it up and running, and how to start thinking about building Maypole applications.
Presumably you have some idea of what Maypole is all about, or otherwise you wouldn't be reading this manual. But Maypole is good at many different things, and you may have accidentally focussed on one aspect of Maypole while missing the big picture.
For instance, you may know that Maypole is extremely good at putting web front-ends onto databases. This is true, but it's only a part of what Maypole does. You may have heard that Maypole is a web application framework, which is true, but it doesn't mean very much. There are a huge number of things that Maypole can do, because it's very much a blank slate. You can make it do what you will. In this manual, we'll be making it act as a front-end to a database, as a social network site, as an intranet portal, and many other things besides. It is a framework.
I like to think that Maypole is a way of going from a URL to a method
call to some output. If you have a URL like /product/order/12
Maypole is a way of having it load up product number 12, call an
method, and produce a page about what it's just done. The
reason Maypole is such a big deal is because it does all this for you.
You no longer have to care about your web server. You hardly have to
care about your database. You don't have to care about templating
modules, parsing CGI parameters, or anything else. You only need to care
about business logic, and the business logic in this instance is how you
a product, and what you need to display about it once you've
done so. This is what programming should be: only caring about the work
that distinguishes one program from another.
It does this using a technique called MVC for web applications.
Maypole was originally called Apache::MVC
, reflecting its basis in
the Model-View-Controller design pattern. (I had to change it firstly
because Maypole isn't tied to Apache, and secondly because
is a really dull name.) It's the same design pattern that
forms the foundation of similar projects in other languages, such as
Java's Struts framework.
This design pattern is found primarily in graphical applications; the idea is that you have a Model class which represents and manipulates your data, a View class which is responsible for displaying that data to the user, and a Controller class which controls the other classes in response to events triggered by the user. This analogy doesn't correspond precisely to a web-based application, but we can take an important principle from it. As Template Toolkit author Andy Wardley explains:
What the MVC-for-the-web crowd are really trying to achieve is a clear separation of concerns. Put your database code in one place, your application code in another, your presentation code in a third place. That way, you can chop and change different elements at will, hopefully without affecting the other parts (depending on how well your concerns are separated, of course). This is common sense and good practice. MVC achieves this separation of concerns as a by-product of clearly separating inputs (controls) and outputs (views).
This is what Maypole does. It has a number of database drivers, a number of front-end drivers and a number of templating presentation drivers. In common cases, Maypole provides precisely what you need for all of these areas, and you get to concentrate on writing just the business logic of your application. This is one of the reasons why Maypole lets you develop so rapidly: because most of the time, you don't need to do any development at all.
Throughout this manual, we're going to be referring back to a particular
application so that we can give concrete examples for the concepts we're
talking about. We could say ``related_accessors
returns a list of
accessors which can be called to return a list of objects in a has-a
relationship to the original'', or we could say ``if we call
while viewing a brewery
, it returns beers
because we can call beers
on a brewery
object to get a list of
that brewery's beers.''
Because Maypole is all about beer. If you look carefully, you can probably see men playing cricket on the village green. The first ever Maypole application was written to help me keep track of the many different ales available in my area - their styles, their tastes, their breweries, prices and so on. Then the more I thought about it, the more I thought it was a particularly good data model for demonstrating different kinds of database relationships.
We have a brewery
table, which has several beer
s. We'll call this
a has-many relationship. The beers each have a style
; styles are
stored in a separate table, so beer
has-a style
. Beers are in
several pubs and a pub has several beers, so beers and pubs are in a
many-to-many relationship. We use a link table called handpump
relate pubs to beers.
All in all, this gives us a schema like the following:
create table brewery ( id int not null auto_increment primary key, name varchar(30), url varchar(50), notes text );
create table beer ( id int not null auto_increment primary key, brewery integer, style integer, name varchar(30), url varchar(120), score integer(2), price varchar(12), abv varchar(10), notes text );
create table handpump ( id int not null auto_increment primary key, beer integer, pub integer );
create table pub ( id int not null auto_increment primary key, name varchar(60), url varchar(120), notes text );
create table style ( id int not null auto_increment primary key, name varchar(60), notes text );
If you have DBD::SQLite
available, then a database like this will
be created when Maypole was installed. Let's now see how to set it up
with a web interface.
The first thing we need for a Maypole interface to a database is to
have a database. If you don't have one, now would be a good time to
create one, using the schema above. If you're creating a database
by hand, don't forget to grant permissions for your Apache server to
access it as well as yourself (typically a user name like www-data
or wwwrun
The next thing we need is a module which is going to do all the work.
Thankfully, it doesn't need to do all the work itself. It's going to be a
subclass of Maypole
or a Maypole front-end like Apache::MVC
It roughly corresponds to the controller in an MVC design, and is
also referred to as the driver, handler or request.
Here's the driver class for our beer database application. We're not going to go into much detail about it here; we'll do that in the Beer Database chapter. For now, simply admire its brevity, as you realise this is all the code you need to write for a simple database front-end:
package BeerDB; use Maypole::Application; BeerDB->setup("dbi:SQLite:t/beerdb.db"); BeerDB->config->uri_base("http://localhost/beerdb"); BeerDB->config->template_root("/path/to/templates"); BeerDB->config->rows_per_page(10); BeerDB->config->display_tables([qw[beer brewery pub style]]); BeerDB::Brewery->untaint_columns( printable => [qw/name notes url/] ); BeerDB::Style->untaint_columns( printable => [qw/name notes/] ); BeerDB::Beer->untaint_columns( printable => [qw/abv name price notes/], integer => [qw/style brewery score/], date => [ qw/date/], );
use Class::DBI::Loader::Relationship; BeerDB->config->{loader}->relationship($_) for ( "a brewery produces beers", "a style defines beers", "a pub has beers on handpumps"); 1;
There's a version of this program in the ex/ directory in the Maypole
files that you downloaded in the ~root/.cpan/ build area.
This defines the BeerDB
To set it up as a mod_perl handler, just tell the Apache configuration
about it:
<Location /beerdb> SetHandler perl-script PerlHandler BeerDB </Location>
To use it as a CGI script, put it in your cgi-bin directory, together with a small file called beer.cgi:
#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use BeerDB; BeerDB->run();
and change one line in
And now we need some templates. As we'll see in the chapter on
views, there are several types of template.
We're going to copy
the whole lot from the templates/ directory of the Maypole source
package into the /beerdb directory under our web root.
Make the template_root
in BeerDB
agree with your path.
And that's it. We should now be able to go to http://localhost/beerdb/
or http://localhost/cgi-bin/beer.cgi/
and see a menu of things to browse; http://localhost/beerdb/beer/list
will give a list of beers. There might not be any yet. There's a box
that lets you add them.
If you have any problems getting to this point, you might want to look at There's a FAQ and a link to a mailing list.
Play about with the site. Add some beers. Maybe go out and buy some beers to review if you need some inspiration. Don't be ill on my carpet.
Now you should have a feel for what Maypole can do. The important thing to know at this point is that this is by no means all that Maypole can do. What you've seen in the beer database example is all that Maypole can do if you don't customize it at all.
Remember that, for instance, we don't ever tell Maypole what tables our database has, or what columns each table has. We don't tell Maypole what those tables should be called or how to display them. We don't tell Maypole what to do - that we want to list, search, edit and delete beers and breweries. Maypole just works that out for itself. We can customize it and have Maypole do all sorts of interesting things with our database, and most of the rest of this manual will be about how to do that.
In order to do that, we need to look at what Maypole's actually doing. Here's a quick overview, there's more detail in the Workflow chapter.
As mentioned, Maypole is responsible for turning a URL into an object, a method call, and some templated output.
Here's a handy diagram to explain how it does that:Maypole's process revolves around the concept of the Maypole request
object. This is a little like Apache's request object, but at a much
higher level - in fact, in mod_perl
-based Maypole front-ends, the
Apache request object is incorporated in the Maypole request object. All
that Maypole does is gradually flesh out this object until it contains
something in the output
member, and then it is dispatched back to the
front-end for output.
So to start with, we take the Apache request (or CGI object, or other
way of isolating what's going on) and break it down. For instance, we
turn the URL /beer/view/1
{ table => "beer", action => "view", args => [ 1 ] }
Then Maypole will check that beer
is a real table, and find the class
that models it. It also checks whether or not we're allowed to call the
method over the network:
{ table => "beer", action => "view", args => [ 1 ], model_class => "BeerDB::Beer" }
Then there's a user-defined authentication method, which by default just lets us do anything. Now we hand over to the model class, which loads up the object, and decides what template we want to use:
{ table => "beer", action => "view", args => [ ], objects => [ BeerDB::Beer->retrieve(1) ], model_class => "BeerDB::Beer", template => "view" }
Then it calls BeerDB::Beer->view
, passing in the request object
as a parameter, and passes the whole lot to the view class for templating.
In the next two chapters, we'll look at how Maypole's default model and
view classes generally do what you want them to do.
Contents, Next Maypole Model Classes
Maypole::Manual::About - Introduction to Maypole |