Module::Install::Bundle - Bundle distributions along with your distribution |
Module::Install::Bundle - Bundle distributions along with your distribution
Have your Makefile.PL read as follows:
use inc::Module::Install; name 'Foo-Bar'; all_from 'lib/Foo/'; requires 'Baz' => '1.60'; # one of either: bundle 'Baz' => '1.60'; # OR: auto_bundle; WriteAll;
Module::Install::Bundle allows you to bundle a CPAN distribution within your distribution. When your end-users install your distribution, the bundled distribution will be installed along with yours, unless a newer version of the bundled distribution already exists on their local filesystem.
While bundling will increase the size of your distribution, it has several benefits:
Allows installation of bundled distributions when CPAN is unavailable Allows installation of bundled distributions when networking is unavailable Allows everything your distribution needs to be packaged in one place
Bundling differs from auto-installation in that when it comes time to install, a bundled distribution will be installed based on the distribution bundled with your distribution, whereas with auto-installation the distibution to be installed will be acquired from CPAN and then installed.
When you, as a module author, do a perl Makefile.PL
the latest versions of
the distributions to be bundled will be acquired from CPAN and placed in
will be acquired from CPAN and placed in
, except that all dependencies of the bundled modules are
also detected and bundled. To use this function, you need to declare the
minimum supported perl version first, like this:
requires( perl => 5.005 );
, except that all dependencies of the bundled
modules are also detected and bundled. This function has the same constraints as bundle_deps.
Please report any bugs to (patches welcome):
Audrey Tang <>
Documentation by Adam Foxson <>
Copyright 2003, 2004, 2005 by Audrey Tang <>.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
Module::Install::Bundle - Bundle distributions along with your distribution |