OpenOffice::OOBuilder - Perl OO interface for creating OpenOffice documents. |
OpenOffice::OOBuilder - Perl OO interface for creating OpenOffice documents.
See the documentation of the derived classes.
OOBuilder is a Perl OO interface for creating OpenOffice documents. OOBuilder is the base class for all OpenOffice documents. Depending on the type of document you want to create you have to use a derived class.
At this moment only spreadsheet (sxc) documents are supported. See the documentation of the derived class OOCBuilder for more information.
Don't call this directly. Must be called through a derived class.
set_title ($title)
Set $title as title of your document.
Returns the title of your document
set_author ($author)
Set $author as author of your document.
Returns the author of your document.
set_subject ($subject)
Set $subject as subject of your document.
Returns the subject of your document.
set_comments ($comments)
Set $comments as comments of your document.
Returns the comments of your document.
set_keywords (@keywords)
Set @keywords as all keywords of your document.
push_keywords (keywords)
Add one (if scalar supplied) or more (if list supplied) new keywords to your document.
Returns the keywords of your document in an array.
set_meta ($nb, $name, $value)
Set meta data. $nb is the meta number (between 1 and 4). $name is the name of your meta data. If ommited we'll take "meta$nb". $value is the new value of your meta data.
not yet implemented
set_bold ($bold)
Set active font: bold: 1 to active, 0 to deactivate.
set_italic ($italic)
Set active font: italic: 1 to active, 0 to deactivate.
set_underline ($underline)
Set active font: underline: 1 to active, 0 to deactivate.
set_align ($align)
Set align: allowed values: right, center, justify or left Else returns 0.
set_txtcolor ($txtcolor)
Set the text color. $txtcolor can be a predefined value like red, green, blue, white or black. Or it can be specified in RGB in the form ff0000 (ie. as red). This returns 0 if the color can't be set.
set_bgcolor ($bgcolor)
Set the text color. $bgcolor can be a predefined value like red, green, blue, white or black. Or it can be specified in RGB in the form ff0000 (ie. as red). This returns 0 if the color can't be set.
set_font ($font)
Available fonts are : Arial, Bitstream Vera Sans, Bitstream Vera Serif, Bookman, Courier, Courier 10 Pitch, Helvetica, Lucidabright, Lucidasans, Lucida Sans Unicode, Lucidatypewriter, Luxi Mono, Luxi Sans, Luxi Serif, Symbol, Tahoma, Times, Times New Roman, Utopia, Zapf Chancery, Zapf Dingbats. Returns 0 if the font isn't available.
set_fontsize ($size)
Set font size. Returns 0 if not succeeded.
set_builddir ($builddir)
Set build directory. The target file will be placed in this directory. This directory will also be used for creating the temporary files, needed for creating the target file. Builddir is '.' by default. Returns 0 if the $builddir doesn't exist.
Returns the build directory.
generate ($tgtfile)
Don't call this method directly. This method should be called from the derived class.
Look at the examples directory supplied together with this distribution.
the OpenOffice::OOCBuilder manpage for creating spreadsheets.
Bug reports and questions can be sent to <oobuilder(at)>. Attention: make sure the word <oobuilder> is in the subject or body of your e-mail. Otherwhise your e-mail will be taken as spam and will not be read.
Stefan Loones
Copyright 2004, 2005 by Stefan Loones
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
OpenOffice::OOBuilder - Perl OO interface for creating OpenOffice documents. |