OpenOffice::OODoc::Notes - Notes of the OpenOffice::OODoc man pages |
OpenOffice::OODoc::Notes - Notes of the OpenOffice::OODoc man pages
The OpenOffice::OODoc::Notes page contains all the notes corresponding to the ``[nn]'' note citations included in the other documents.
[1] In fact in this case a more complex (but hidden) operation is carried out: firstly it writes to a temporary file and if no error occurs, the source file is deleted and its name given to the temporary file. OODoc::File never writes directly to the source file.
[2] For example, the pair ('/office:body/text:p', 12) or ('//text:p', 12) represent, in an document, the thirteenth occurrence of the 'text:p' element or the 13th paragraph of text (XPath occurrences are numbered table elements in Perl, starting from 0).
[3] For example, you can easily copy a paragraph from one document to another but only if you knowingly modify the paragraph's style attribute if that style is not already defined in the destination document. You can also copy the style but only if you are sure that this style is not already defined by another unknown style in the destination document (and so on).
[4] Can also be shortened to ooXPath() if the XPath module is loaded via the main OODoc module.
[5] (removed)
[6] It is just a single element 'office:body' which contains all the text in an document. Therefore, the XPath path indicating the text is always ('//office:body', 0). Remember that in the case of an text file (Writer), it would be better to use the appendParagraph method of OODoc::Text as this requires fewer parameters.
[7] "automatic styles" are styles which are not explicitly indicated in the styles list as it appears to the end user.
[8] If for any reason you absolutely have to use a non-UTF8 XML string which contains 8-bit characters (accented letters, etc.), you can always convert the string using the encode_text method before passing it to appendElement. Of course, the problem will not arise if you are absolutely sure that the string only contains ASCII (7 bit).
[9] XML syntax is checked, but it is up to the user to verify that the element import conforms to document syntax.
[10] documents use UTF8 XML encoding.
[11] In the examples we have looked at, handling of UTF8 strings is rudimentary but effective in the current version. It appears at least to generate French accented characters properly. Any potential contributors who have mastered UTF8 are invited to improve the implementation of this method.
[12] See the Perl/Encode manual for the list of supported character sets. If the user's character set is selected using the localEncoding() function, any unsupported value (according to the current Perl installation) is automatically rejected. A list of accepted encodings can be returned by Encode::encodings(':all') (the Encode module is loaded by OpenOffice::OODoc, so this function is always available for the application). Some encodings can be named using aliases (see the Encode::Alias documentation).
[13] To do a Find/Replace in an entire text document, use the selectTextContent(filter, replacement) method in OODoc::Text.
[14] In the current version, inserting an element imported in XML can mess up the internal numbering of elements. Such inconsistencies are only a problem for methods which will later access elements according to their position. They have no effect on the document's integrity when updated using save, and do not affect methods which select elements according to content criteria. A reorganize call after one or more element insertions imported in XML is normally enough to re-establish order.
[15] However, contrary to insertElement, a copy of the given element is indeed created, not just a reference to it.
[16] (removed)
[17] (removed)
[18] Note: such forced attributes do not upset the function of which ignores them. They could therefore be useful in programs which handle documents out of reach of the end user. However, if such a document is then edited or updated by or StarOffice (using currently released versions), these "foreign" attributes will be lost and the software will replace what it considers to be the "real" values to those attributes it manages.
[19] Remember that in document logic, a page break is not an element but a paragraph attribute. Generally, you insert a page break by giving a 'page break before' attribute to a paragraph. This is just one example of the usage of the 'attribute' option.
[20] See OODoc::Styles module for information about styles.
[21] 'text:p' refers to a paragraph element, just as 'text:h' refers to a header element.
[22] Any tables contained in headers and footers belong to the page layout ('styles.xml') and not the content ('content.xml') of documents. Such tables are therefore ignored by OODoc::Text methods.
[23] For example: if a currency-formatted cell contains 155.12, the 'currency' attribute is set to 'GBP' and the presentation style is the standard default setting for a British user, the cell's text would be "£155.12".
[24] To access a header of a particular level, you need to use selectElementByAttribute and select the 'text:level' attribute (see OODoc::XPath).
[25] See note 41.
[26] Footnotes are physically inserted into the text at the place where they are called, just after the link element indicating the footnote's number. Its display at the foot of the page or elsewhere is a trick of the graphical interface.
[27] These methods are implemented as XML::Twig package extensions even though they are physically defined in the OODoc/ module.
[28] A call to $element->getName returns the element's XML name including its namespace prefix e.g. 'text:p' for a paragraph or 'table:table-row' for a row of a table.
[29] The program function can return quite sophisticated temporary data which is to be inserted into the text and reused later, again with this method, in order to do some complex processing in several passes.
[30] You can easily use getText and setText (getText returns "flat" text with all style divisions removed) when performing an iteration on all of a document's elements. This means you can perform search and replace operations which ignore style divisions. In this case, however, when you update (setText), any style divisions in the original element will be lost.
[31] Obviously, opening a document in or StarOffice which contains references to non-existent styles will give unpredictable results as to the viewing of the given paragraphs or headers.
[32] The short form ooImage() is available if the main OpenOffice::OODoc module is already loaded.
[33] See OpenOffice::OODoc::Styles for style creation or, better, OpenOffice::OODoc::Document for image styles.
[34] Writer gives default names to images (e.g. Image1, Image2, ...) if the user does not deliberately name them. This is not the case in Impress.
[35] If you want to know why a background colour is controlled by an attribute in the "style" namespace when the colour of the characters is controlled by an attribute in the "fo" namespace, post a question on
Copyright 2004-2005 by Genicorp, S.A. (
Initial developer: Jean-Marie Gouarne (
Initial English version of the reference manual by Graeme A. Hunter (
- Genicorp General Public Licence v1.0 - GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
OpenOffice::OODoc::Notes - Notes of the OpenOffice::OODoc man pages |