Oracle::DDL - Perl class for Oracle batch DML


Oracle::DDL - Perl class for Oracle batch DML


  use Oracle::DDL;
  my %cfg = ('conn_string'=>'usr/pwd@db', 'table_name'=>'my_ora_tab');
  my $ot = Oracle::DDL->new;
  # or combine the two together
  my $ot = Oracle::DDL->new(%cfg);
  my $sql= $ot->prepare(%cfg); 
  $ot->execute();    # actually create the audit table and trigger


This class contains methods to create audit tables and triggers for Oracle tables.

Object Constructor

new (%arg)

Input variables:

  $cs  - Oracle connection string in usr/pwd@db
  $tn  - Oracle table name without schema

Variables used or routines called:


How to use:

   my $obj = new Oracle::DDL;      # or
   my $obj = Oracle::DDL->new;     # or
   my $cs  = 'usr/pwd@db';
   my $tn  = 'my_table'; 
   my $obj = Oracle::DDL->new(cs=>$cs,tn=>$tn); # or
   my $obj = Oracle::DDL->new('cs',$cs, 'tn',$tn);

Return: new empty or initialized Oracle::DDL object.


The following are the common methods, routines, and functions defined in this class.

Exported Tag: All

The :all tag includes all the methods or sub-rountines defined in this class.

  use Oracle::DDL qw(:all);

add_primary_key($dbh, $tab, $pk, $exe)

Input variables:

  $dbh - database handler
  $tab - table name
  $pk  - primary key column name
  $exe - whether to execute the SQL statement
         0 - No (default); 1- Yes.

Variables used or routines called:

  echoMSG - display message

How to use:

    $self->add_primary_key(4dbh, 'my_tab', 'id');

Return: 0|1 - whether it is successful 0 - OK; 1 - failed


Input variables:

  $tab - table name
  $crf - array ref containing table definition as $crf->[$i]{$itm},
         where $i is column number and $itm is col,typ,req,wid,dft,etc.
  $opt - other table related options:
    dbh           - database handler
    fn_sql        - output file name for SQL codes
    fn_log        - log file name for spool off and default to 
                    fn_sql with the extension replaced with .log
    fh_sql        - output file handler for SQL codes 
    action        - whether to return SQL codes
         SQL (default) - return array ref containing SQL codes
               execute SQL codes if dbh is specified
         TXT - return SQL codes in text and write SQL codes to
               output file if fn_sql or fh_sql is specified. 
         ALL - return SQL codes and 
               write to output file if fn_sql or fh_sql is specified
               execute SQL statements if dbh is specified
    public_select - 1 or actual grant statement
    drop_table    - 1 - drop before creating it; 0 - not drop
    relax_constraint - 0 - no; 1 - yes

Variables used or routines called:

  echoMSG - display message

How to use:

  my $cs = 'usr/pwd\@db';
  my $dbh = get_dbh($cs);
  my $fh  = new IO::File "> myfile.sql"; 
  my %opt = (dbh=>$dbh, fh_sql => $fh,action=>'txt');
  my $crf = $self->read_tab_def('table.def', 'myTab',',');
  my $sql = $self->create_table('myTab',${$crf}{mytab},\%opt);

Return: the result of table creation or the SQL code for creating the table.


SEE ALSO (some of docs that I check often)

Oracle::Loader, Oracle::Trigger, Oracle::DML, Oracle::DML::Common, CGI::Getopt, File::Xcopy


Copyright (c) 2005 Hanming Tu. All rights reserved.

This package is free software and is provided ``as is'' without express or implied warranty. It may be used, redistributed and/or modified under the terms of the Perl Artistic License (see

 Oracle::DDL - Perl class for Oracle batch DML