PDF::Writer - PDF writer abstraction layer


PDF::Writer - PDF writer abstraction layer


This document describes version 0.05 of PDF::Writer, released Oct 25, 2005.


  use PDF::Writer;
  # Or, to explicitly specify a back-end ...
  use PDF::Writer 'pdflib';
  use PDF::Writer 'pdfapi2';
  use PDF::Writer 'mock';
  my $writer = PDF::Writer->new;


This is a generalized API that allows a module that generates PDFs to transparently target multiple backends without changing its code. The currently supported backends are:

If both PDF::API2 and pdflib_pl are available, PDF::API2 is preferred. If neither is available, a run-time exception will be thrown. You must explicitly load the PDF::Writer::mock driver, if you wish to use it.



We use the Devel::Cover manpage to test the code coverage of our tests. Below is the the Devel::Cover manpage report on this module's test suite.


Originally written by:

Autrijus Tang <autrijus@autrijus.org>

Currently maintained by:

Rob Kinyon <rob.kinyon@iinteractive.com>

Stevan Little <stevan.little@iinteractive.com>

Thanks to Infinity Interactive for generously donating our time.


Copyright 2004, 2005 by Autrijus Tang <autrijus@autrijus.org>.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

See http://www.perl.com/perl/misc/Artistic.html

 PDF::Writer - PDF writer abstraction layer