SOAP::OutputStream - Writes SOAP fragments


SOAP::OutputStream - Writes SOAP fragments


    # note that we need SOAP::Envelope to bootstrap
    use SOAP::Envelope;
    sub output_fcn {
        my $string = shift;
        print $string;
    my $namespaces_to_preload = ["urn:foo", "urn:bar"];
    my $env = SOAP::Envelope->new(\&output_fcn,
    my $body = $env->body();
    # here is where we actually use SOAP::OutputStream
    my $child = $body->compound_accessor("urn:quux", "reverse_string", undef, undef, 0);
    $child->simple_accessor(undef, "s", undef, undef, "dlrow olleH");

This creates the following XML:

<s:Envelope xmlns:s=``urn:schemas-xmlsoap-org:soap.v1'' xmlns:xsd=``'' xmlns:xsi=``'' xmlns:n1=``urn:foo'' xmlns:n2=``urn:bar''> <s:Body> <n3:reverse_string xmlns:n3=``urn:quux''> <s>dlrow olleH</s> </n3:reverse_string> </s:Body> </s:Envelope>


SOAP::OutputStream encapsulates the details of writing SOAP packets into a few easy to use functions. In order to bootstrap a SOAP stream (and get your first SOAP::OutputStream reference), you'll need to use SOAP::Envelope, as shown in the example above.

The simple_accessor function

This function writes a simple accessor (e.g., a string or number, as opposed to a compound type). It takes two sets of URI/typenames, one for the accessor and one for the optional xsi:type attribute. At a minimum, you must specify the accessor_name and content.

The compound_accessor function

This function opens a new compound accessor (by writing an open XML tag), and returns a new SOAP::OutputStream that you should use to write the contents of that accessor. This function always creates nested elements. If you want to create an independent element, call reference_accessor instead. The is_package parameter allows you to open a new package at this node; the OutputStream will write all further independent elements at this level in the XML document, creating a standalone XML fragment within the SOAP envelope. The OutputStream will complain if all references within the package cannot be resolved when this node is closed. See the SOAP spec for details on packages.

NOTE NOTE NOTE: The SOAP ``package'' attribute was dropped when the SOAP spec went from version 1.0 to version 1.1. Use package-related functionality at your own risk - you may not interoperate with other servers if you rely on it. I'll eventually remove this feature if it doesn't reappear in the spec soon.

The reference_accessor function

This function creates a reference (SOAP:href) node, and stores the specified object until the current package is closed, at which time a serializer is obtained for the object (based on its type) and is asked to serialize itself to a new stream at the level of the package. Note that if you're not using packages explicitly, then the system will perform this resolution and serialization when you switch from creating Headers to creating the Body, and once again when the Body is terminated. The object referenced is guaranteed to only be serialized once (assuming you've obeyed the SOAP rules for packages and Header/Body object reference sharing).

The term function

Call this function when you want to close the node you're working with. This does several things - it seals the package if the node you're using was created as a package, and it writes an end tag (along with doing some other internal bookeeping that's pretty important). Don't forget to call this function before opening a new sibling node.




Keith Brown



 SOAP::OutputStream - Writes SOAP fragments