SQL::Translator::Producer::TTSchema - Produces output using the Template Toolkit from a SQL schema


SQL::Translator::Producer::TTSchema - Produces output using the Template Toolkit from a SQL schema


  use SQL::Translator;
  my $translator     = SQL::Translator->new(
      from           => 'MySQL',
      filename       => 'foo_schema.sql',
      to             => 'TTSchema',
      producer_args  => {
          ttfile     => 'foo_template.tt',  # Template file to use
          # Extra template variables
          ttargs     => {
              author => "Mr Foo",
          # Template config options
          ttargs     => {
              INCLUDE_PATH => '/foo/templates',
  print $translator->translate;


Produces schema output using a given Template Tookit template.

It needs one additional producer_arg of ttfile which is the file name of the template to use. This template will be passed a variable called schema, which is the SQL::Translator::Producer::Schema object created by the parser. You can then use it to walk the schema via the methods documented in that module.

Here's a brief example of what the template could look like:

  database: [% schema.database %]
  [% FOREACH table = schema.get_tables %]
      [% table.name %]
      [% FOREACH field = table.get_fields %]
          [% field.name %]   [% field.data_type %]([% field.size %])
      [% END -%]
  [% END %]

See t/data/template/basic.tt for a more complete example.

The template will also get the set of extra variables given as a hashref via the tt_vars producer arg.

You can set any of the options used to initiallize the Template object by adding a tt_conf producer_arg. See Template Toolkit docs for details of the options. (Note that the old style of passing this config directly in the producer args has been deprecated).

  $translator          = SQL::Translator->new(
      to               => 'TT',
      producer_args    => {
          ttfile       => 'foo_template.tt',
          ttargs       => {},
          tt_conf      = {
            INCLUDE_PATH => '/foo/templates/tt',
            INTERPOLATE  => 1,

You can use this producer to create any type of text output you like, even using it to create your own versions of what the other producers make. For example, you could create a template that translates the schema into MySQL's syntax, your own HTML documentation, your own Class::DBI classes (or some other code) -- the opportunities are limitless!

Producer Args

The template file to generate the output with.

A hash ref of extra variables you want to add to the template.

A hash ref of configuration options to pass to the the Template manpage object's constructor.


Mark Addison <grommit@users.sourceforge.net>.


More template vars? e.g. [% tables %] as a shortcut for [% schema.get_tables %].



 SQL::Translator::Producer::TTSchema - Produces output using the Template Toolkit from a SQL schema