Test::Perl::Critic::Progressive - Gradually enforce coding standards |
Test::Perl::Critic::Progressive - Gradually enforce coding standards
To test one or more files, and/or all files in one or more directories:
use Test::Perl::Critic::Progressive qw( progressive_critic_ok ); progressive_critic_ok($file1, $file2, $dir1, $dir2);
To test all Perl files in a distribution:
use Test::Perl::Critic::Progressive qw( progressive_critic_ok ); progressive_critic_ok();
Recommended usage for public CPAN distributions:
use strict; use warnings; use Test::More;
eval { require Test::Perl::Critic::Progressive }; plan skip_all => 'T::P::C::Progressive required for this test' if $@;
Applying coding standards to large amounts of legacy code is a daunting task. Often times, legacy code is so non-compliant that it seems downright impossible. But, if you consistently chip away at the problem, you will eventually succeed! Test::Perl::Critic::Progressive uses the the Perl::Critic manpage engine to prevent further deterioration of your code and gradually steer it towards conforming with your chosen coding standards.
The most effective way to use Test::Perl::Critic::Progressive is as a unit test that is run under a continuous-integration system like CruiseControl or AntHill. Each time a developer commits changes to the code, this test will fail and the build will break unless it has the same (or fewer) Perl::Critic violations than the last successful test.
See the NOTES for more details about how this test works.
All of the following subroutines can be exported upon request. Or you
can export all of them at once using the ':all'
progressive_critic_ok(@FILES [, @DIRECTORIES ])
. If no arguments are given, it
analyzes all the Perl files in the blib/ directory. If the blib/
directory does not exist, then it tries the lib/ directory. The results of
the analysis will be stored as .perlcritic-history in the same directory
where your test script is located.
The first time you run this test, it will always pass. But on each subsequent run, the test will pass only if the number of violations found is less than or equal to the number of violations found during the last passing test. If it does pass, then the history file will be updated with the new analysis results. Once all the violations are removed from the code, this test will always pass, unless a new violation is introduced.
This subroutine emits its own the Test::More manpage plan, so you do not need to specify an expected number of tests yourself.
does not exist, it will be created anew. The
default is $Bin/.perlcritic-history
where $Bin
is the directory that
the calling test script is located in.
violations each time the test is run.
In this case, the particular type of violation that you eliminate doesn't
matter. The larger the step size, the faster you'll have to eliminate
should be
pairs, like this:
my %step_sizes = ( 'ValuesAndExpressions::ProhibitLeadingZeros' => 2, 'Variables::ProhibitConditionalDeclarations' => 1, 'InputOutput::ProhibitTwoArgOpen' => 3, );
set_step_size_per_policy( %step_sizes ); progressive_critic_ok();
The default step size for any given Policy is zero, which means that you are not required to remove any violations, but you are also not allowed to add any. But if you wish to focus on eliminating certain types of violations, then increasing the per-policy step size will force you to decrease the number of violations of that particular Policy, while ignoring other types of violations. The larger the step size, the faster you'll have to eliminate violations.
given to set_critic_args
will be passed directly into the
the Perl::Critic manpage constructor. So if you have developed your code using a
custom .perlcriticrc file, you can direct Test::Perl::Critic::Progressive
to use a custom file too.
use Test::Perl::Critic::Progressive ( ':all' );
set_critic_args(-profile => 't/perlcriticrc); progressive_critic_ok();
Now place a copy of your own .perlcriticrc file in the distribution as
t/perlcriticrc. Now, progressive_critic_ok
will use this same
Perl::Critic configuration. See the the Perl::Critic manpage documentation for details
on the .perlcriticrc file format.
Any argument that is supported by the the Perl::Critic manpage constructor can be passed through this interface. For example, you can also set the minimum severity level, or include & exclude specific policies like this:
use Test::Perl::Critic::Progressive ( ':all' );
set_critic_args( -severity => 2, -exclude => ['MixedCaseVars'] ); progressive_critic_ok();
See the the Perl::Critic manpage documentation for complete details on its options and arguments.
The test is evaluated in two ways. First, the number of violations for each Policy must be less than or equal to the number of the violations found during the last passing test, minus the step size for that Policy. Second, the total number of violations must be less than or equal the total number of violations found during the last passing test, minus the total step size. This prevents you from simply substituting one kind of violation for another.
You can use the total step size and the per-policy step size at the same time.
For example, you can set the total step size to 5, and set the per-policy step
size for the TestingAndDebugging::RequireStrictures
Policy to 3. In which
case, you'll have to remove 5 violations between each test, but 3 of them must
be violations of TestingAndDebugging::RequireStrictures
Over time, you'll probably add new Policies to your the Perl::Critic manpage setup. When Test::Perl::Critic::Progressive uses a Policy for the first time, any newly discovered violations of that Policy will not be considered in the test. However, they will be considered in subsequent tests.
If you are building a CPAN distribution, you'll want to add ^t/.perlcritic-history$ to the MANIFEST.SKIP file. And if you are using a revision control system like CVS or Subversion, you'll probably want to configure it to ignore the t/.perlcritic-history file as well.
If you find any bugs, please submit them to http://rt.cpan.org/NoAuth/Bugs.html. Thanks.
the Test::Perl::Critic manpage
Jeffrey Ryan Thalhammer <thaljef@cpan.org>
Copyright (c) 2007 Jeffrey Ryan Thalhammer. All rights reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. The full text of this license can be found in the LICENSE file included with this module.
Test::Perl::Critic::Progressive - Gradually enforce coding standards |