Apache2::Module - Perl API for creating and working with Apache modules


Apache2::Module - Perl API for creating and working with Apache modules


  use Apache2::Module ();
  #Define a configuration directive
  my @directives = (
          name => 'MyDirective',
  Apache2::Module::add(__PACKAGE__, \@directives);
  # iterate over the whole module list
  for (my $modp = Apache2::Module::top_module(); $modp; $modp = $modp->next) {
      my $name                  = $modp->name;
      my $index                 = $modp->module_index;
      my $ap_api_major_version  = $modp->ap_api_major_version;
      my $ap_api_minor_version  = $modp->ap_api_minor_version;
      my $commands              = $modp->cmds;
  # find a specific module
  my $module = Apache2::Module::find_linked_module('mod_ssl.c');
  # remove a specific module
  # access module configuration from a directive
  sub MyDirective {
      my ($self, $parms, $args) = @_;
      my  $srv_cfg = Apache2::Module::get_config($self, $parms->server);
  # test if an Apache module is loaded
  if (Apache2::Module::loaded('mod_ssl.c')) {
  # test if a Perl module is loaded
  if (Apache2::Module::loaded('Apache2::Status')) {


Apache2::Module provides the Perl API for creating and working with Apache modules

See Apache Server Configuration Customization in Perl.


Apache2::Module provides the following functions and/or methods:


Add a module's custom configuration directive to Apache.

  Apache2::Module::add($package, $cmds);
arg1: $package ( string )
the package of the module to add

arg2: $cmds ( ARRAY of HASH refs )
the list of configuration directives to add

ret: no return value
since: 1.99_18

See also Apache Server Configuration Customization in Perl.


Get the httpd API version this module was build against, not the module's version.

  $major_version = $module->ap_api_major_version();
obj: $module ( Apache2::Module object|docs::2.0::api::Apache2::Module )
ret: $major_version ( integer )
since: 1.99_17

This methid is used to check that module is compatible with this version of the server before loading it.


Get the module API minor version.

  $minor_version = $module->ap_api_minor_version();
obj: $module ( Apache2::Module object|docs::2.0::api::Apache2::Module )
ret: $minor_version ( integer )
since: 1.99_12

ap_api_minor_version() provides API feature milestones.

It's not checked during module init.


Get the Apache2::Command|docs::2.0::api::Apache2::Command object, describing all of the directives this module defines.

  $command = $module->cmds();
obj: $module ( Apache2::Module object|docs::2.0::api::Apache2::Module )
ret: $command ( Apache2::Command object|docs::2.0::api::Apache2::Command )
since: 1.99_12


Retrieve a module's configuration. Used by configuration directives.

  $cfg = Apache2::Module::get_config($class, $server, $dir_config);
  $cfg = Apache2::Module::get_config($class, $server);
  $cfg =          $self->get_config($server, $dir_config);
  $cfg =          $self->get_config($server);
obj: $module ( Apache2::Module object|docs::2.0::api::Apache2::Module )
arg1: $class ( string )
The Perl package this configuration is for

arg2: $server ( Apache2::ServerRec object|docs::2.0::api::Apache2::ServerRec )
The current server, typically $r->server|docs::2.0::api::Apache2::ServerUtil or $parms->server|docs::2.0::api::Apache2::CmdParms.

opt arg3: $dir_config ( Apache2::ConfVector object|docs::2.0::api::Apache2::ConfVector )
By default, the configuration returned is the server level one. To retrieve the per directory configuration, use $r->per_dir_config|docs::2.0::api::Apache2::RequestRec as a last argument.

ret: $cfg (HASH reference)
A reference to the hash holding the module configuration data.

since: 1.99_12

See also Apache Server Configuration Customization in Perl.


Find a module based on the name of the module

  $module = Apache2::Module::find_linked_module($name);
arg1: $name ( string )
The name of the module ending in .c

ret: $module ( Apache2::Module object|docs::2.0::api::Apache2::Module )
The module object if found, undef otherwise.

since: 1.99_12

For example:

  my $module = Apache2::Module::find_linked_module('mod_ssl.c');


Determine if a certain module is loaded

  $loaded = Apache2::Module::loaded($module);
name: $module ( string )
The name of the module to search for.

If $module ends with .c, search all the modules, statically compiled and dynamically loaded.

If $module ends with .so, search only the dynamically loaded modules.

If $module doesn't contain a ., search the loaded Perl modules (checks %INC).

ret: $loaded ( boolean )
Returns true if the module is loaded, false otherwise.

since: 1.99_12

For example, to test if this server supports ssl:

  if (Apache2::Module::loaded('mod_ssl.c')) {

To test is this server dynamically loaded mod_perl:

  if (Apache2::Module::loaded('mod_perl.so')) {

To test if Apache2::Status|docs::2.0::api::Apache2::Status is loaded:

  if (Apache2::Module::loaded('Apache2::Status')) {


Get the index to this modules structures in config vectors.

  $index = $module->module_index();
obj: $module ( Apache2::Module object|docs::2.0::api::Apache2::Module )
ret: $index ( integer )
since: 1.99_12


Get the name of the module's .c file

  $name = $module->name();
obj: $module ( Apache2::Module object|docs::2.0::api::Apache2::Module )
ret: $name ( string )
since: 1.99_12

For example a mod_perl module, will return: mod_perl.c.


Get the next module in the list, undef if this is the last module in the list.

  $next_module = $module->next();
obj: $module ( Apache2::Module object|docs::2.0::api::Apache2::Module )
ret: $next_module ( Apache2::Module object|docs::2.0::api::Apache2::Module )
since: 1.99_12


Remove a module from the list of loaded modules permanently.

obj: $module ( Apache2::Module object|docs::2.0::api::Apache2::Module )
ret: no return value
since: 1.99_12


Returns the first module in the module list. Usefull to start a module iteration.

  $module = Apache2::Module::top_module();
ret: $module ( Apache2::Module object|docs::2.0::api::Apache2::Module )
since: 1.99_12

See Also

mod_perl 2.0 documentation.


mod_perl 2.0 and its core modules are copyrighted under The Apache Software License, Version 2.0.


The mod_perl development team and numerous contributors.

 Apache2::Module - Perl API for creating and working with Apache modules