DBI::Gofer::Transport::mod_perl - DBD::Gofer server-side transport for http


DBI::Gofer::Transport::mod_perl - DBD::Gofer server-side transport for http


In httpd.conf:

    <Location /gofer>
        SetHandler perl-script 
        PerlHandler DBI::Gofer::Transport::mod_perl

For the client-side see the DBD::Gofer::Transport::http manpage.


This module implements a DBD::Gofer server-side http transport for mod_perl. After configuring this into your httpd.conf, users will be able to use the DBI to connect to databases via your apache httpd.


Rather than provide a DBI proxy that will connect to any database as any user, you may well want to restrict access to just one or a few databases.

Or perhaps you want the database passwords to be stored only in httpd.conf so you don't have to maintain them in all your clients. In this case you'd probably want to use standard https security and authentication.

These kinds of configurations are supported by DBI::Gofer::Transport::mod_perl.

The most simple configuration looks like:

    <Location /gofer>
        SetHandler perl-script
        PerlHandler DBI::Gofer::Transport::mod_perl

That's equivalent to:

            default => {
                default_connect_dsn => undef,
                forced_connect_dsn  => undef,
                default_connect_attributes => { },
                forced_connect_attributes  => { },
    <Location /gofer/example>
        SetHandler perl-script
        PerlSetVar GoferConfig default
        PerlHandler DBI::Gofer::Transport::mod_perl

The DBI::Gofer::Transport::mod_perl->configuration({...}) call defines named configurations. The PerlSetVar GoferConfig clause specifies the configuration to be used for that location.

XXX add detail inclusing specific examples

A single location can specify multiple configurations using PerlAddVar:

        PerlSetVar GoferConfig default
        PerlAddVar GoferConfig example_foo
        PerlAddVar GoferConfig example_bar

in which case the configurations are merged with any entries in later configurations overriding those in earlier ones. In this way a small number of configurations can be mix-n-matched to create specific configurations for specific location urls.


The DBD::Gofer, DBD::Gofer::* and DBI::Gofer::* modules are Copyright (c) 2007 Tim Bunce. Ireland. All rights reserved.

You may distribute under the terms of either the GNU General Public License or the Artistic License, as specified in the Perl README file.


the DBD::Gofer manpage and the DBD::Gofer::Transport::http manpage.

 DBI::Gofer::Transport::mod_perl - DBD::Gofer server-side transport for http